2024-10-21: Finished reading: Ember’s End by S. D. Smith 📚

2024-10-15: So, I’m #BF9E00 which is a “lovely” greenish orange.

2024-10-15: Wir sind fast da! 🇩🇪 🇦🇹🇨🇭 🇱🇮

2024-10-15: Finished reading: Ember Rising by Sam Smith Smith 📚

2024-10-12: Hospitality is more than a fancy meal. It’s opening our lives to those less fortunate and letting …

2024-10-11: Gendered Worlds: Our Need for Belonging and Usefulness

2024-10-09: St. Andrew, ora pro nobis.

2024-10-05: This, my friends, is why you don’t let politicians select Bibles. No Bible includes the American …

2024-10-03: I’ve noticed (at least here in Nashville) that progressive clergy from denominations that …

2024-10-01: You can be a Christian and vote for any (or none) of these candidates. 🇺🇸

2024-10-01: Our chickens aren’t smart (just now figuring out how to mostly get in the coop at night) and …

2024-09-30: I let the boy do a little widdling with my old pocket knife this weekend. Nerve-racking for me, but …

2024-09-29: Next time you need to vent, he hopes you might decide to tell the bots instead. They’ll be there for …

2024-09-22: Why do we homeschool? This. This was done unprompted by our daughter in her free time as a craft. …

2024-09-21: A beautiful discussion on Christianity. — 359 - John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall - Why Christianity? — …

2024-09-20: It stinks that losing weight is so slow, but I have to admit I’m proud of these numbers. I’ve really …

2024-09-17: I won’t have time to watch until after work, but my $0.02 is that it’s cost and charge time. When we …

2024-09-16: I’m beginning to think I might be the last Millennial left on Earth without a tattoo.

2024-09-16: The Most Extraordinary Thing in the World: The Natural Family

2024-09-12: Every time I drive from Nashville to Chattanooga I’m reminded how beautiful Tennessee is and how …

2024-09-09: Arnold’s are about to get some chickens. 🐓 🥚

2024-09-08: Whoa! That’s one thick Bible. — Photos of the Complete Ignatius Study Bible – Catholic Bible Talk

2024-09-06: Me: How many blocks of tofu should I press? Two? Wife: Oliver won’t be here. Only do one. That …

2024-09-05: Matt Taibbi on the Global Censorship-Industrial Complex

2024-09-05: I am distrustful of people who use fake backgrounds in video calls.

2024-09-03: The food system in America isn’t okay. www.foodpolitics.com/2024/09/t…

2024-09-01: Here’s the thing, for those without a suburban garage EVs are still impractical. Until we can …

2024-08-29: I’m leading a really important discipleship course for men. If you’re in middle …

2024-08-27: Wesleyans and Episcopacy firebrandmag.com/articles/…

2024-08-23: How a Southern, Anglican priest introduces the personal pronouns in German. Formal you, plural you, …

2024-08-23: Not to brag, but I’m 5 weeks in to my 10k steps per day plan. I’m really pleased …

2024-08-21: Very cool latte art this morning. 👻

2024-08-18: not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully fight under his banner, …

2024-08-17: I feel a way about AI. Not loving how it can take jobs away and how it could destroy art. But… it’s …

2024-08-12: endler.dev/2024/the-…

2024-08-12: Taught the boy how to start a grill.

2024-08-11: It’s about to get lit this morning at Mass. 🔥 We’re singing one of my top three hymns!

2024-08-08: The Real Reason Behind the Olympic Controversy in Women’s Boxing — The Symbolic World

2024-08-07: With each passing year, the temptation to switch to Linux full time grows. — macOS Sequoia adds …

2024-08-07: Watching Windows people use macOS is wild. Literally every window is used maximized. Such a …

2024-08-01: Nearly two weeks in to my new goal of walking 10k steps each day on the under desk treadmill. Simple …

2024-08-01: Currently reading: Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie 📚

2024-07-31: Finished reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚

2024-07-31: Friends, let’s remember not to lose our minds this election season. Sin is real. Politics affects us …

2024-07-31: Some good ol' Anglican holiness in the collect this week.

2024-07-29: Digital minimalism appeals to me, but I worry about how I’d interact in SmartPhone-requiring …

2024-07-29: The Daylight DC1 paired with a minimalist phone are looking more and more appealing to me. I’m …

2024-07-27: I’m only two chapters in, but I’m feeling validated about how we’ve handled technology and screen …

2024-07-27: Just finished watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Wow. Some odd bits at the front, but …

2024-07-24: Oh boy. The mainline just doesn’t know when to stop, do they? — Is There Room in the Church for …

2024-07-24: An interesting read on how downtown Nashville became such a party. — …

2024-07-23: Currently reading: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt 📚

2024-07-23: I felt a little guilty starting a new book last night when quite a few others remain unfinished. …

2024-07-22: This type of behavior by companies makes me mad. Double the price just because of different …

2024-07-21: I still can’t imagine a scenario where I’d play music like this during the Divine Service, but it’s …


2024-07-19: I’m so thankful God found me when He did. I would 100% have gone deep and ended up in LDS …

2024-07-16: Something I’ve very much been thinking on. How to reach these young men and provide them community …

2024-07-14: Jesus is Lord. — God is sovereign over all creation and all time. He’s already written the victory …

2024-07-05: July 4th steak grill was an amazing success!

2024-07-02: Inside baseball here, but I’m a little surprised C4SO is going to elect a successor to …

2024-06-30: Because I know all y’all come to me for your MLS hot takes. My observation of the NSC/Miami game. It …

2024-06-27: Every time I’m discouraged about church politics in the ACNA I check in on TEC and the UMC. Let us …

2024-06-27: Got the Ignatius Press study Bible on a whim. I’ve only had it a little bit, but I’ve …

2024-06-26: Now this is what I like to see on a conference registration form!

2024-06-25: It was a weird COVID-tide delivery. I can’t believe Virginia’s been here for four years! Our family …

2024-06-24: This was a helpful episode. I trust the Holy Spirit and our bishops. I will pray for ++Wood and our …


2024-06-18: Beware Social Myths: Why Memes Offer Symbol Over Substance in the Culture Wars

2024-06-11: Curious: Anyone have recommendations for a book geared towards Western Christians (Anglicans, …

2024-06-11: readwise.io/reader/sh…

2024-06-11: “Through the ongoing, dynamic relationship people have with God’s Holy Spirit, salvation and …

2024-06-06: I decided to give Readwise Reader a try. Pricey, but I’ve been curiousious for a while. Thus far, …

2024-06-06: So, who has read-it-later services they recommend? — Requirements are a Firefox plug-in, iOS app, …

2024-06-06: Looks like I’m in the market for a new read-it-later service. I don’t appreciate being forced into …

2024-06-01: A very wicked answer; for though to let loose the bridle to lusts, while our opinions are against …

2024-06-01: I love the idea of a common place notebook, but I just at can’t figure out the mechanics of it. I …

2024-05-30: Currently reading: The Four Cardinal Virtues by Josef Pieper 📚

2024-05-29: Finished reading: Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald D. Hart 📚

2024-05-27: Currently reading: Unmasking Male Depression by Archibald D. Hart 📚

2024-05-26: Finished reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚

2024-05-23: Regarding the ACNA Drama of Late Men, in general, are more likely to directly communicate concerns/issues with their bishop than …

2024-05-18: Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — New books arriving Monday, so I’m …

2024-05-12: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

2024-05-09: Going out on a limb here, but do I know anyone who has/knows of affordable housing in Nashville? — …

2024-05-07: Cicada Invasion 2024

2024-05-05: Sealed with Christ’s body in their baptism, they are sealed to us, and we are one body. The people …

2024-05-05: The people we are serving are not just the poor. In their baptism, they are our poor. They are His …

2024-05-03: I pray that the Anglican provinces of Africa are listening and make haste to provide episcopal …

2024-05-03: The UMC allowing deacons to preside at the Holy Table is just nuts. Far outside the apostolic …

2024-04-28: Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — Finished part 1. A few good quotes, but …

2024-04-23: Deutsche: Eine Frage. Ich hab’s bemerkt auf YouTube dass Leute mehr und mehr ins Publikum …


2024-04-20: Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚 — Started strong, but I’m half way and …

2024-04-19: Garden sorted. A ring of strong herbs (chives, mint, and cilantro) in an attempt to keep squirrels …

2024-04-19: Got a shortlist of what I need for the garden. Excited to get planting!

2024-04-17: Finished reading: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos 📚

2024-04-14: Linux Elitism...Again kevquirk.com/linux-eli…

2024-04-12: Order my steps in thy word, and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me. Ps 119:133

2024-04-11: This Talkative is not aware of; he thinks that hearing and saying will make a good Christian, and …

2024-04-11: Currently reading: The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan 📚

2024-04-11: Virgin & the Holy Child and Charles Wesley. This is how we roll in the Arnold home: Reformed, …

2024-04-08: If you’ve got children, you should get this book and read it to them every few months. It’s a great, …

2024-04-08: Currently reading: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos 📚— Just finished chapter 4. Such an …

2024-04-03: We who no longer thirst, should not forget the hungry. Remember Your Baptism

2024-03-31: Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that …

2024-03-24: Truly this was the Son of God.

2024-03-11: Currently reading: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos 📚

2024-03-10: It’s often easy online the feel “less than” because you don’t read enough …

2024-02-28: Currently reading: Acts (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible) by Jaroslav Pelikan 📚

2024-02-28: Finished reading: Lex Operandi, Lex Credendi: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Theology of Work by …

2024-02-13: Doing things a day early here because tomorrow, we fast!

2024-02-12: It’s super interesting what’s still possible on an N64. Amazing what maths and long study can …

2024-02-08: Moving to a paper calendar and task list has been a game changer for me. I’ve never been this on top …

2024-02-07: As a child of God, each person is entitled to enjoy the goodness of the Creator’s world, but is also …

2024-02-07: The challenge, however, is to wed this compassion to action that works. The poor don’t need what …

2024-02-06: Currently reading: Lex Operandi, Lex Credendi: Dorothy L. Sayers’s Theology of Work by …

2024-02-05: I’m “really enjoying this playlist” years old. 🇫🇷 🥖⚜️🍷

2024-02-03: So, curious, how many other ministries or parishes are using the 2019 TLE? Am I the only one?

2024-02-02: Not a bad list of Bible recommendations. overcast.fm/+RJPMqBsK…

2024-02-01: Finished reading: 1 Peter by Wayne A. Grudem 📚

2024-01-31: My absolute favorite subject at our homeschool co-op is cooking. I love “reviewing” our children’s …

2024-01-29: There is no greater joy as a priest than seeing God do a powerful work in the life of a parishioner. …

2024-01-29: Finished reading: War In Heaven by Charles Williams 📚

2024-01-25: Anyone a member of Forward in Faith NA? I’d love to know more, but on face value this seems like …

2024-01-24: Current Bible & Prayer Book Stack: Personal Devotion: BCP 1662 IE Public Worship: BCP 2019 TLE …

2024-01-22: Currently reading: War In Heaven by Charles Williams 📚

2024-01-22: PSA: Children are not a burden, but rather a joy. There is more to life than productivity. Enjoy …

2024-01-22: The ACNA should have put a hold on WO at our foundation. I fear this is an issue that will further …

2024-01-15: Jesus. There is no other name.

2024-01-14: I wish USPS had a “seriously no rush, stay safe” option. It’s just a Bible I bought with some …

2024-01-14: Bible Translation I’d Patron if I become Rich: The King Charles Translation: 1611 Authorized Bible …

2024-01-08: We’ve been saved for a purpose. Remember your baptism and glorify Him who washes us clean in His …

2024-01-06: We shall see how it preached tomorrow, but I’m getting myself fired up writing about the baptism of …

2024-01-05: What a mess. — This whole thing could be avoided by standing firm on a Christian sexual ethic, …

2024-01-05: Finished reading: Lord Sunday by Garth Nix 📚 — I must say. Not the ending I’d expected or would have …

2024-01-03: Finished reading: Superior Saturday (The Keys to the Kingdom #6) by Garth Nix 📚

2024-01-02: Saw #2 in the series sitting on my daughter’s shelf and couldn’t remember how the series ended. I …

2024-01-02: Finished reading: Lady Friday (The Keys to the Kingdom #5) by Garth Nix 📚

2023-12-30: Year in books for 2023 Here are the books I finished reading in 2023.

2023-12-30: Finished reading: The Innocence of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton 📚

2023-12-28: Very interesting read. On one hand, I’m glad US retailers are suffering from their outsourcing. On …

2023-12-25: My favorite Christmas tradition: Sitting alone downstairs praying the morning office & waiting …

2023-12-24: A few hours early, but I’ve got my favorite Christmas album on as we get ready for church.

2023-12-19: Five lessons in on Biblingo. Thus far I’m really enjoying it!

2023-12-19: I’m really feeling for my faithful Roman brothers and sisters. Excepting the sudden death of the …

2023-12-16: Seen on my way home from church this morning. I feel like there’s a metaphor here somewhere.

2023-12-14: The Word is God in whisper and in shout. This line gets me every time. Love it! …

2023-12-12: Finished reading: What God Has to Say about Our Bodies by Sam Allberry 📚

2023-12-09: Blessing hand-made candles. I love being a priest and serving the least and the poor. …

2023-12-02: A very busy and productive morning at @christouranchor today. St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us!

2023-11-29: Then Paul stood in the midst of the lights and decorations in the city and said, “People of …

2023-11-29: What a great thought on reframing the secular Christmas that surrounds us during Advent. — Stirring …

2023-11-28: I’m not one to delve into politics or to ever sign these social media open letters, but I feel …

2023-11-27: Prayed up and going forth clinging to the cross of Christ. May God use my mouth as an instrument of …

2023-11-25: I must say, one of the better ideas I’ve had. A5 booklet of prayers I frequently use. No more …

2023-11-23: 🦃 Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we, thine unworthy servants, do give thee most humble and …

2023-11-21: Giving the analogue life a try. Roterfaden in a Lochby journal cover.

2023-11-21: ChatGPT made a pretty cool logo based off reading my website.

2023-11-17: Beautiful morning at the beach in Destin, Florida. 🏖️

2023-11-15: Elizabeth the Confessor, pray for us! youtu.be/Kc3UnhPHT…

2023-11-14: Those who say that God no-longer does miracles, need to step outside. The Spirit moves in our …

2023-11-13: Currently reading: What God Has to Say about Our Bodies by Sam Allberry 📚

2023-11-12: Finished reading: I Once Was Lost by Don Everts 📚

2023-11-10: Currently reading: I Once Was Lost by Don Everts 📚

2023-11-07: Ready to watch Nashville win with my #1 bud.

2023-11-05: Anyone have a read-it-later service they’d recommend? Pocket is getting bad at parsing many …

2023-11-03: Super interesting episode covering the Holy Land conflict from the Arab perspective. …

2023-10-31: Candy, cider, and $1 Costumes starting at 5p. Mass at 7:30p. First Wesleyan Church at 611 Shelby …

2023-10-25: This isn’t the only reason we home school. But it’s a big one.

2023-10-23: This is actually not too far off from what it actually looks like when I write a sermon.

2023-10-23: Nashville: If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to help the poor, this is it. Set aside one …

2023-10-20: I’m incredibly excited about getting to know our neighbors better on Halloween. If you’re in …

2023-10-18: I might need a separate feed for my DALL-E 3 generated images. Not sure why I find it so fun, but I …

2023-10-15: This was well put. I’ve not been able to put in words what seemed so obvious to me. This article …

2023-10-14: Was a beautiful day to get some work done with a few brothers in Christ. We were able to pay a man …

2023-10-10: Started on the agenda for @christouranchor next board meeting. I’m excited for all the work …

2023-10-09: If another person shows up on Wednesday needing to work, I won’t have anyone to go with them. …

2023-09-24: Huntsville FC game with the little brother. ⚽️

2023-09-22: The Church has entered the chat on the War on Cars. 🚗 overcast.fm/+fsAqbFFN…

2023-09-21: It is precisely at this point that I regret not making myself walk yesterday. Now I’ve got 57 …

2023-09-20: Every time I have a morning meeting at a coffee shop I’m shocked at how many people get coffee …

2023-09-15: Take heart my brothers & sisters in Christ! Though we sometimes feel it in deeply secular and …

2023-09-14: I feel so vindicated by this. I felt the new formalizations weren’t doing anything so I always keep …

2023-09-11: I’m ready for the diocesan clergy retreat and pray God uses it to revitalize and prepare me for the …

2023-09-09: Currently reading: Evangelism through the Local Church by Michael Green 📚

2023-09-08: I pray for the day when the GMC receives the apostolic episcopacy and order of the Church and the …

2023-09-08: This little workflow to control my fan without moving my hands off the keyboard excites me way more …

2023-09-07: Excuse the poor cable management, but this setup has greatly improved the number of steps I get in a …

2023-09-04: Finished reading: How to Be Miserable by Randy J. Paterson 📚

2023-08-31: Currently reading: How to Be Miserable by Randy J. Paterson 📚

2023-08-27: It ain’t Sunday morning without a little B. Tab. 🙌

2023-08-24: Finished reading: Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser 📚

2023-08-19: Win or lose, I’m proud that Nashville is a team and not a man. — Whatever with Messi, I love my team …

2023-08-19: Currently reading: The Innocence of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton 📚

2023-08-13: Destin, Florida

2023-08-11: Can confirm. Humidity here is next-level. Beautiful weather and bay views. This holiday is just what …

2023-08-07: “Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love …

2023-08-01: Williamson County versus East Nashville in a single picture. — Not seen is a set of those family …

2023-08-01: Hot Take: The term “Wesleyan” is creepy. “Methodist” should be the preferred term.

2023-07-29: “O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures for ever.” - …

2023-07-26: I, N.N., do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and to …

2023-07-25: The Estob font is so amazing! Great for setting things like older prayer books. …

2023-07-25: We’re not supposed to say this out loud, but the traditional roles of husband and wife smooth many …

2023-07-25: I’m very excited about this episode! Not very many of us have made our way safely to Christ’s Holy …

2023-07-23: Breaking news: Satan lives in Nashville and drives a Camaro.

2023-07-21: Question I pose to all Democratic candidates in state and local elections.

2023-07-21: Going back to Fr. John this weekend for some encouragement. — Nashville needs some Methodist fire! …

2023-07-19: Since we’re only meeting on Wednesdays right now, I think I’m going to lean in to the traditional …

2023-07-16: An academic take from the seminary days on today’s Gospel reading. — Parables, Desire, and …

2023-07-14: The first segment is a good follow-up to the research I posted earlier. Men are not okay and it’s …

2023-07-14: “One implication is that if we want men to have good mental health, a useful strategy might be …

2023-07-12: It’s been a lot more than 30 days, and it’s been glorious.

2023-07-11: Germans complaining because there was a three-year delay in getting WiFi on their regional trains …

2023-07-11: Y’all! New isolated home office with a standing desk. Game changer. Zoom meetings not worrying with …

2023-07-07: Clairefontaine notebook, TWSBI Eco pen, and Noodler’s Akhmatova ink. 💚

2023-07-06: This little corner of the new office makes me happy.

2023-07-06: Does anyone happen to have a BlueSky invite? I’d love to play around with it.

2023-07-04: Is anyone aware of a Global Methodist (or otherwise orthodox) congregation in Nashville, TN?

2023-06-30: I hope there’s a small truck to buy if I end up needing another car. — Listen, America. We need to …

2023-06-29: Also, unless I’ve missed someone, we’ve got four diocese represented just within Nashville alone!

2023-06-29: I’m surprised to find that there are no Joint Synod or REC parishes in Middle Tennessee.

2023-06-27: Great episode describing pains as a pedestrian & cyclist moving about the city. 🚲 — Is It Worth …

2023-06-25: Currently reading: Sacred Fire by Ronald Rolheiser 📚

2023-06-24: Finished reading: Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather 📚

2023-06-20: Started listening to The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling after several recommendations. 🎙️

2023-06-17: I sold my tickets for the 🌈 game, but the Juneteenth match is my favorite. If only every game could …

2023-06-17: More Matter Mini Review: The Nanoleaf Thread with Matter bulbs are not ready for prime time on Apple …

2023-06-15: Matter & Thread Mini Review: ➕As responsive as Zigbee, no hubs, and full HomeKit integration. …

2023-06-08: This seems mostly on point to me, at least for larger companies. At small-business scale, I could …

2023-06-06: Anyone know anything about insurance for churches & non-profits? Given liability, directors …

2023-06-04: Currently reading: Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather 📚

2023-06-04: Finished reading: That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis 📚

2023-05-31: Cluttering, Consumerism, and Shopaholism: Syndromes? Sins?

2023-05-30: Currently reading: That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis 📚— Y’all! So good! This trilogy should be on …

2023-05-28: Finished reading: Perelandra by C.S. Lewis 📚

2023-05-25: Networking folk: Would you be concerned with a topography that went router -> switch -> switch …

2023-05-23: I’m so over this crap! I just want to take my kids to a soccer game and have a good time. MLS needs …

2023-05-23: Finished reading: Perspectives in Male Psychology by 📚

2023-05-20: Finished reading: Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis 📚

2023-05-19: Currently reading: Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis 📚— Very different than I expected. …

2023-05-17: A very exciting milestone towards launching the mission church I’m leading in East Nashville. — We …

2023-05-17: Finished reading: Death Masks by Jim Butcher 📚

2023-05-15: Something about this ad bar seems very dystopian to me. — This free TV comes with two screens - The …

2023-05-14: “This way of the church in the world is, to human sight, folly, utopia, ineffectiveness, and …

2023-05-13: Finished reading: Presence in the Modern World by Jacques Ellul 📚

2023-05-10: Buc-Ee’s is an interesting thing. On one hand, it’s everything wrong with American excess. On the …

2023-05-08: We watched The Long, Long Trailer last night. So much truth in that movie! I was stressing for the …

2023-05-03: Longer review coming when I get a bit, but my first week with the BOOX Nova Air 2 has been great. …

2023-05-02: Finished reading: Summer Knight by Jim Butcher 📚

2023-04-26: I’m trying to lessen the tech distractions in my life and better focus on what’s …

2023-04-22: Currently reading: Presence in the Modern World by Jacques Ellul 📚 — Two chapters in and I’m already …

2023-04-21: Wow. It’s going to be a very interesting week for orthodox Anglicans. Thankful for the strong …

2023-04-11: Closest I’ve ever cut it, but… taxes ✅

2023-04-10: Very interesting conversation on male psychology. — What the World of Psychology Gets Wrong About …

2023-04-09: Alleluia! Christ is risen! — Happy Easter! Almighty God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto …

2023-04-07: I knew it was coming, but, without NetNewsWire access, following local government and orgs has …

2023-04-05: Our National Obsession with College Has Eroded the Value of High School as an Institution heterodoxacademy.org/blog/our-…

2023-04-04: You don’t realize it until you’re on a bike, but cars are loud and smelly.

2023-04-03: I love the work Equip does, but I gotta say my initial reaction is to push back against Christian …

2023-03-17: Finished reading: Of Boys and Men by Richard Reeves 📚— A good, factual assessment of the issues …

2023-03-17: 37 incredibly fun miles. 🚲

2023-03-12: Me and my bike buddy on our way yesterday to watch Nashville cream Montreal. ⚽️ 🚲

2023-03-11: The little girl that made me a daddy turns seven today. Hard to believe! I love her so much and …

2023-03-08: Finished reading: On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble 📚 — An eye-opening account of what mental …

2023-03-08: Currently reading: Of Boys and Men by Richard Reeves 📚

2023-03-06: Y’all, seriously. eBikes are awesome. I’ve been a greenway cyclist for ages, but have been hesitant …

2023-03-06: I am going to be a mayor who delivers not shiny objects and toys for tourists, but rather services …

2023-03-03: No power. No problem. 🪫⚡️🍷

2023-02-28: I’m hopeful this pushes big players to the open web. I still have to keep up (via RSS) with the bird …

2023-02-27: The missing bit here is that the deal with MLS gives season ticket holders it for free. This is …

2023-02-27: How likely is a four-day week? - City Monitor

2023-02-26: A big infrastructure need I see in Nashville is a safe, low-stress North to South and East to West …

2023-02-26: I had an amazing time cycling to the game with my little bud. E-bikes change the game. They flatten …

2023-02-25: Dear Ticketmaster, What is this hot garbage? I am not going to a concert!

2023-02-25: First Nashville SC game of the season. So ready to be back! And, I get to ride my new bike there, …

2023-02-24: As we’re going through the adoption process, I’ve found that people speaking of “adopting” or …

2023-02-22: Finished reading: Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas 📚

2023-02-21: Started listening to my Lent playlist a few hours early. Very open to some great additions. …

2023-02-16: Finally! A KJV bible with a modern, two-column paragraph layout. An instant purchase decision for …

2023-02-15: Super interesting thoughts on how the Church can help boys grow into faithful men. — How Churches …

2023-02-13: Just a few days away! I can’t wait to be back in the Castle! ⚽️

2023-02-13: I’m convinced: the hardest part of ministry is asking for help.

2023-02-12: I really enjoy my little fire pit. 🔥

2023-02-10: What a powerful statement by Archbishop Stephen. Clearly defined the issue as not a reaction against …

2023-02-09: I’m not sure what else to say. We knew it was coming, but the reality of what the CoE has done …

2023-02-09: XIX. Of the Church The visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men, in the which the pure Word of God is …

2023-02-09: I know it won’t happen, but if the King took his role as defender of the faith seriously, he’d …

2023-02-03: One of these days there’s going to be an actual snake or scorpion in my house and I’m going to walk …

2023-02-01: A great ministry — led by yours truly — is looking for board members and an accountant. — Christ our …

2023-01-30: St Charles, king, defender of the faith, and martyr: pray for us and your beloved church now in the …

2023-01-26: This documentary sounds amazing. Can’t wait to watch it! — AND Campaign’s “How I Got …

2023-01-26: Has anyone used BryteBridge to setup their non-profit ministry? Would love to know your thoughts or …

2023-01-26: Is it just me, or does iOS 16.3 seem like it has some sort of networking issue? Things are loading …

2023-01-24: I’m “my favorite antique store closed and that kind of bums me out” years old today.

2023-01-23: When you think about it, it’s shocking how many public services are using a private company to …

2023-01-22: Though I was a user of the 1662 BCP for many years, the transition to the 2019 TLE has been fairly …

2023-01-22: My unsolicited hot-take on this Lord’s Day: It’s time for the ACNA bishops to start pushing for …

2023-01-18: Extremely sad to hear the news out of England. Hard to imagine the cradle of English Christianity …

2023-01-16: Half way through Resident Aliens and I’m finding it bittersweet. — It’s a great read that’s …

2023-01-16: Wisdom from Virginia (age 2): Be careful with stickers. They are not band-aids.

2023-01-15: Urban Chestnut is making some amazing beers in St. Louis. Very glad the Turnip Truck carries them …

2023-01-13: Such and odd feeling, but it was time. So thankful for Micro.blog and all the folks that’ve kept …

2023-01-12: Is there a good site for Western-style Christian imagery? Icons are great, but not exactly part of …

2023-01-12: If you’re interested in being updated on the ministry I’m starting in East Nashville, …

2023-01-04: I’m admittedly a little slow, but it should not have taken me almost 40 years to figure out this was …

2023-01-04: Christ our Anchor is getting close to launching! If you’re in Nashville & interested in a …

2023-01-03: The song my kids are playing right now… 🤦‍♂️

2023-01-03: So, on hold with my bank. They wrote their own hold music and I gotta say, it’s pretty darn …

2023-01-03: Launching Christ our Anchor mission church here soon. Found this song today. 🔥 🔥 🔥 For sure my theme …

2023-01-01: Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, and a blessed Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus!

2022-12-31: If you’re looking to start a Bible reading plan in the new year; my suggestion: Get a Prayer Book …

2022-12-30: Year in books for 2022 Here are the books I finished reading in 2022.

2022-12-28: Currently reading: Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas 📚

2022-12-28: Finished reading: Disruptive Witness by Alan Noble 📚

2022-12-28: Is there such a thing as temporary ports for natural gas? We’ve got gas to the house. Has me …

2022-12-28: So, with Nashville’s power grid apparently not sufficient to keep up with our growth, what …

2022-12-26: Merry Christmas! — Even if you don’t celebrate, it doesn’t change the reality of what God did in the …

2022-12-23: I know 13th is on a different circuit, but it is odd to be without power, staying warm by propane …

2022-12-23: This little heater has been so surprising. We’ve been without steady electricity all day, but he’s …

2022-12-22: I’m starting a few days early, but I’m really enjoying this album. Christmas Jazz is really the way …

2022-12-22: This is incredibly unhealthy. — Twitter view counts start appearing prominently - The Verge

2022-12-19: Very happy with how this is turning out.

2022-12-19: Do I have anyone in my circles who’s setup a church ministry that does some businessy things? — …

2022-12-16: What I'm Telling my Kids about Santa Claus St. Nicolas is the patron saint of children. He sits in heaven and prays to God for all children. It …

2022-12-14: Currently reading: Disruptive Witness by Alan Noble 📚

2022-12-13: I’m trying not get my hopes up, but Thread & Matter are looking really great. — …

2022-12-13: Deeply saddened to hear that King Charles might be crowned the defender of the faiths rather than …

2022-12-10: My children discovered this song on Alexa. I guarantee it is not what you expect, but it is now one …

2022-12-09: Every time I do open enrollment I’m more radicalized against how the US does health care. — I know …

2022-12-05: Finished reading: When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett 📚

2022-12-05: Ecobee feature request: Setting to add a display temperature offset. — I’m pretty sure if the …

2022-12-03: We are looking so good! 🇺🇸 ⚽️

2022-12-03: I must say, I wish our coaching staff would dress up a bit. Let’s not play into American …

2022-12-03: Yeah… Let’s not make “It’s Called Soccer” our thing. — That said, USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸 ⚽️

2022-12-01: Is anyone running their full website on Micro.blog? I’m seriously considering it for my upcoming …

2022-12-01: As folk move away from the bird, Micro.blog is becoming such an awesome place. I realize how nice it …

2022-11-29: Zimmerman! So proud. Great game. Excited for the next round. ⚽️

2022-11-29: #25 in the house!!!!!!! ⚽️

2022-11-29: I don’t want to speak too soon, but I’m liking our aggressive stance against Iran. ⚽️

2022-11-28: I didn’t even need to open this to know it was a bad idea.

2022-11-27: Finished reading: Under Authority by Christopher Hoyt 📚

2022-11-27: Try as I might, I always seem to find myself in this situation by December. Need to wrap up books in …

2022-11-25: I still can’t believe I’m watching a Nashville player in the World Cup!

2022-11-25: Starting my Advent playlist a few days early.

2022-11-23: So excited that Oliver is old enough for these now. I can’t wait for him to open it!

2022-11-21: So, how’s my day going?

2022-11-21: I can’t exactly but a finger on it, but ever since I’ve been a Christian secular …

2022-11-21: Currently reading: Under Authority — Practicing Submission in a Rebellious by Christopher Hoyt 📚

2022-11-18: Observation: Most of my Twitter was RSS feeds I was too lazy to follow. Fixed that this morning.

2022-11-18: Exciting news! I’ve earned “piggy points!” 🐖

2022-11-16: This Darrel Brooks trial is wild. So sad to see how incapable he is of remorse. He has nosympathy …

2022-11-15: Judgement, death, hell, and heaven - These last things are not to be feared by those in Christ. In …

2022-11-15: Christ the King 👑 and then Advent 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ - Against the claims of the November election, Jesus …

2022-11-11: Man, the ending of Mark is just great. I say it every time, but Mark is my favorite gospel.

2022-11-07: Is it just me, or do a lot of “elder millennials” seem to be getting tattoos here recently?

2022-11-02: On Sunday I preached about Zacchaeus, computer programmers, and who Jesus gives salvation to. …

2022-11-02: We can’t properly feast without first experiencing the fast. So much of the culture wants to rush to …

2022-11-01: So, I haven’t travelled for work in a million years. If you’ve got one of those carry-on …

2022-11-01: For neither has the evil intent of human art misled us, nor the fruitless toil of painters, a figure …

2022-10-27: This was fun. Pre Route-66 trip, I realize I hadn’t travelled the US much. I want to hit New …

2022-10-24: Lord, grant me the patience of the judge in the Darrell Brooks trial. She has nerves of steel! I’d …

2022-10-24: Fact: That’s not how the English constitution works.

2022-10-22: I looked at my ballot for the upcoming election. Depressing. I wish the parties would moderate and …

2022-10-22: Adoption "Statement of Faith" For the adoption we had to fill out a “statement of faith” for our family. A strange …

2022-10-16: A sermon 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. — Silver Slippers: The Book is Better than the Movie

2022-10-15: If you’re curious about what the Wizard of Oz might have to do with the Bible, come join me at …

2022-10-12: Pairing 2 Maccabees 7 with Matthew’s crucifixion leads for a real depressing morning. — Gotta say, …

2022-10-08: I started taking one of my children out for breakfast each week. It’s been great. Dads, do this! …

2022-10-03: Your annual Advent early-warning. Advent is not pre-Christmas. It is a time to reflect on the final …

2022-09-26: Pure evil. I am no fan of Gov. Lee, but I pray he shuts this down. — We Are Lucky as a Community to …

2022-09-23: Listening to folks talk about React Native development, makes me super happy with my little .Net …

2022-09-21: Men: It is okay to occasionally leave your family to be with friends and just have fun. You are not …

2022-09-15: Just got super-boosted. Praying we’ll have a COVID and flu-free 2022. 💉

2022-09-10: Ready to watch Nashville SC bring home win #5 in a row with my soccer buddy. ⚽️

2022-09-08: I’m having a hard time even processing the idea of the Queen not being with us. She’s …

2022-09-08: Praying for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. — She has served her people and, more importantly, her God …

2022-09-05: I had to go with the “standard” choice here. “God” just isn’t specific …

2022-08-28: I’m so over articles like this in The Tennessean! It’s disgusting. Hundreds of words about …

2022-08-27: Ready for a men’s ministry tailgate. Join us at 5:30p!

2022-08-27: Currently reading: When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett 📚

2022-08-26: Y’all! The ending of John has me pumped up today. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come …

2022-08-24: Currently reading: Conformed to His Image by Kenneth D. Boa 📚

2022-08-21: Ready to watch Nashville SC get 3 at home with my #1 soccer buddy. ⚽️

2022-08-21: Finished reading: Charity Detox by Robert D. Lupton 📚

2022-08-21: I’ve been reading a lot on evangelism and social enterprises/charity. — What recommendations do …

2022-08-19: Just so y’all know. If I ever respond to a social media post, text, or whatever, and say that I am …

2022-08-17: If you’ve read books like Toxic Charity, When Helping Hurts, or Practicing the King’s …

2022-08-15: Be pruned. Let God cut back that which is dead, that which is growing astray. Eat this meal, stand …

2022-08-14: My two year old daughter just told me I had to put the toilet seat down. The indoctrination starts …

2022-08-13: Currently reading: Charity Detox by Robert D. Lupton 📚

2022-08-12: Finished reading: What Do Men Want? by Nina Power 📚

2022-08-12: I’m becoming a single-issue voter in local elections. I live downtown in a major city and it’s …

2022-08-10: I kicked the temp down to 72 for some guests. Don’t know how people do it. So cold in here! 🥶

2022-08-08: Finally available in the US Kindle store. Looking forward to reading this. — What Do Men Want? by …

2022-08-06: Love my city. Love my team. — Win or lose. ⚽️

2022-08-03: Found in my record collection: Andraé Crouch and the Disciples. Very much my jam! 🎶

2022-08-01: Finished reading: Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D. 📚

2022-08-01: I watched What is a Woman? last night. AMA

2022-07-26: Prayers appreciated for Rosemary who has a minor dental surgery (lip tie release) today. 🙏

2022-07-25: For August, I’ll be doing OT readings from New English Translation of the Septuagint. …

2022-07-25: The month of July has been spent with the NET Bible with full notes. The notes are fun. I’m …

2022-07-23: Currently reading: Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition by Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D. 📚

2022-07-22: Ich kann es nicht glauben! Bier aus Kloster Andechs ist zu verkaufen in Nashville! 🍻 🇩🇪

2022-07-18: In some shower thinking yesterday I realized there’re folk who are super against animal shelters …

2022-07-16: Excited to see something other than tomatoes growing in the garden. We’re about to have a lot of …

2022-07-15: Finished reading: Where the Cross Meets the Street by Noel Castellanos 📚

2022-07-15: If you know of anyone in an emergency situation or who is looking for a loving family for their …

2022-07-15: As many of y’all know, we’ve spent the last two week involved in an emergency adoption …

2022-07-08: The last few weeks have made me, more than I already was, grateful for those who gave up so much and …

2022-07-05: Prayers appreciated today. I can’t give full details, yet, but a lot of decisions happening today …

2022-06-29: I want to believe that fraternities could be a positive thing, but even this frat — that sounds …

2022-06-25: Her mom had know her for months, but two years ago I met my sweet Virginia. I know no other person …

2022-06-24: Praise God! And on the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, too! — Let us rejoice in the lives …

2022-06-24: I am in the early stages of forming a community in East Nashville that can live the kingdom life …

2022-06-22: Currently reading: Where the Cross Meets the Street by Noel Castellanos 📚

2022-06-22: Finished reading: The Life We’re Looking For by Andy Crouch 📚

2022-06-19: Fathers Day with one of my top soccer buddies. ⚽️

2022-06-19: In today’s collect, we ask God for his grace to help us keep his commandments. I am thankful God has …

2022-06-18: Lots of articles in the Tennessean telling folk where to drive post Roe. — I’m begging you, don’t …

2022-06-17: Article on CNN. Notice the order of the flags. — Sexual “liberation” and personal pleasure is …

2022-06-15: Interesting. It sounds like the church can combat violence & radical nationalism by providing a …

2022-06-11: I really wish professional sports would stay out of politics. I just want to watch a game. The only …

2022-06-10: Noticing that many traditionally teetotaler denominations are dropping that dietary restriction de …

2022-06-09: It has been six years since sweet little Rosemary was “made regenerate by the Holy …

2022-06-05: I just caught up on three weeks of the Tennessean. The op-Ed’s by faith leaders on abortion were …

2022-06-01: What Bible translation am I not using, but should? — Using Revised New Jerusalem for May & June, …

2022-05-31: Grilled watermelon. Interesting, but I will not do it again. 🍉

2022-05-30: The little green grill is ready for some hamburger action.

2022-05-29: Elder’s on Gallatin is my happy place.

2022-05-25: Prayer is not opposed to change. Pray for good governance. Pray for wise leaders. Pray for peace. …

2022-05-22: Happy signs of growth in the garden. 🌱

2022-05-18: Christ our Anchor Anglican Mission — Good name? Bad name? Suggestions?

2022-05-15: “Love is God. God is good.” — Rosemary Arnold

2022-05-12: Hot Dogs, strawberry wine, and 90 degrees. The Arnolds declare summer! ☀️

2022-05-12: Okay gardening folks, what am I doing wrong? Why are all my leaves turning yellow? Too much water? …

2022-05-11: Has anyone done this bit of the journey to Geodis Stadium on a bike? Seems like dedicated & …

2022-05-10: I’m getting excited about the growth I’m about to see in the garden over the next several days! 🌱

2022-05-05: Sadness in Christian Conversation The conversation around abortion deeply saddens me. Christians have allowed secular, political …

2022-05-05: The abortion conversation saddens me. Christians have allowed secular arguments to guide the …

2022-05-03: Turns out our system of government is a federal republic. Not sure why some people are shocked by …

2022-05-01: I’m getting a little misty-eyed thinking about how amazing it was taking my little boy to the game …

2022-05-01: No one else I’d rather share the opening game with. ⚽️

2022-04-18: So, I’ve been doing some searching on squirrel repellent products recently which, somehow, has …

2022-02-27: Given world events it’s a bit dampened, but I am still excited to see Nashville SC back on the pitch …

2022-02-22: Finished reading: Male and Female by Jonathan Petzold 📚

2022-02-18: So, at this point if we’ve been going to church, Bible studies, school, and ballet we’ve totally had …

2022-02-10: ”That boy that I like looks like Oliver, but I still like him.” —Rosemary Arnold (Oliver is her …

2022-02-09: Finished reading: The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell, Ph.D. 📚

2022-02-02: Oliver: “Alexa, play Street Sweeper by Blippi.” Alexa: “Playing Sweet Stripper.”

2022-02-01: This ATS survey is difficult. It’s like, for an Anglican, pretty darn conservative. From a Baptist …

2022-01-27: How, after over a decade in Nashville, am I just now finding out about AM 760, The Gospel?!?! Gospel …

2022-01-20: Best diet app ever!

2022-01-20: Blazor Webassembly is amazing. Doing a project in it now and I’m really enjoying it. …

2022-01-19: Okay, hive mind. Wife and I trying to cut out pre-packaged lunches. What are some healthy lunches …

2022-01-05: I was surprised to see this because I assumed with all the info she collects on me that Alexa knew I …

2022-01-02: Currently reading: Chasing the Eastern Star by Mark Allan Powell 📚

2021-12-30: Wow. Just heard a country song at the Walgreens that sounds like a Pelagian creed. It rolls of a …

2021-12-27: Currently reading: You Are Not Your Own by Alan Noble 📚

2021-12-26: Finished reading: A Guide to the Sacraments by John MacQuarrie 📚

2021-12-25: Merry Christmas! 🌟 👼 👼 👼 🐑 🐑 👶🏻 May the next twelve days be full of the wonder and joy of God …

2021-12-24: Can it get more 🔥 🔥 🔥 than Revelation 16 followed by the Benedictus? — God judges our sin and pours …

2021-12-19: Nothing to see here. Move along. Just a grown man tearing up at cartoon farm animals kneeling before …

2021-12-17: Y’all, if you’re working with Postgres pgMustard is a must. It’s taught me so much about how …

2021-12-11: Hope in Eye of the “Christmas” Storm In the midst of an anxious world building towards a consumeristic feast of sentimentality that …

2021-12-05: The New Jerusalem looks like it’ll be pretty lit.

2021-12-01: lectserve.com/html/dail… #advent

2021-11-28: Happy New Year! May your Advent be full of grace and hope as we reflect on our Lord’s return! 🕯

2021-11-24: ref.ly “Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, but not into the hands of men; for as his …

2021-11-19: Christmas is primarily not a birthday celebration. During Christmas we stand in awe that God the Son …

2021-11-19: The answer is “no.” No journal could possibly make you a saint.

2021-11-19: Dahomey.Json is an incredibly useful library when trying to (de)serialize polymorphic structures …

2021-11-17: Advent draws near! I still highly recommend this book for family prayer around the Advent wreath. — …

2021-11-16: A very helpful read: Lesser Known PostgreSQL Features

2021-11-12: Last night Oliver asked us if we could read the “meat book” for bedtime. It took us a …

2021-11-04: I’m so thankful to God to see this on our calendar! 💉🚫🦠

2021-11-03: This is the book selected for bedtime tonight which leads to many questions, primary of which is why …

2021-11-02: Does anyone know if there’s a reprint of this book available for sale anywhere? Let’s …

2021-11-02: I’ve been debugging an odd networking issue off and on since Thursday. I resolved it last …

2021-11-01: This is the moment Yelp got its notifications turned off.

2021-10-31: As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch, have erred; so also the Church of Rome hath …

2021-10-30: The title of this email already tells me I don’t want whatever it is they are selling.

2021-10-30: I loved this song before I was a Christian and now I love it even more. …

2021-10-25: This Lunabotics competition from NASA looks fun. Going to do it with Rosemary. 🚀🌕

2021-10-20: Finished reading: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni 📚 — …

2021-10-11: Nota bene: Calling a prophet “baldhead” is a really bad idea. 🐻 — Ref. 2 Kings 2:23-25

2021-10-03: Not gonna lie. I’m kinda proud of my track design here.

2021-09-29: Seen at the shelter today. I’m a little afraid about what “GooGoo Be Thy Name” might be.

2021-09-29: Is there a .Net library out there that allows for Python dictionary like messing with JSON? …

2021-09-27: It came with a “relic” bone to put in the alter, but — like a good Anglican — I left it out.

2021-09-22: So, I think I might have inadvertently bought a gun case to hold my mass kit. — Honestly I can’t …

2021-09-21: I can think of two exceptions to this rule.

2021-09-21: I somehow stumbled into a private Slack where “theobro” evangelicals were discussing …

2021-09-19: Fact: Even with dotnet watch if you do not save your changes they will not be reflected in the UI. …

2021-09-18: Listening to an Eagles album this morning. Surely there was pushback against their odd disco phase, …

2021-09-15: I hate drugs and what the Devil does with them! Please pray for someone who succumbed and is now in …

2021-09-11: For me 9/11 is when Mormonism started falling apart. The “Prophet” brought no comfort or wisdom and …

2021-09-11: Pumpkin pie milkshake. So good!

2021-09-01: I’m super thankful the ACNA Liturgy Taskforce publishes BCP 2019 as a Word document. It allows me to …

2021-08-30: Organizing some files in the safe, I ran across a “medical passport” issued to me by the …

2021-08-28: Beauty of the Catholic Faith The beauty and genius of the (English) Catholic faith is this: with the same words peasant, plumber, …

2021-08-28: He baptized my daughters. He helped when I struggled in the UMC and at VDS. He gave words to so many …

2021-08-24: “If Jesus' Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Return are not relevant, or did …

2021-08-23: Serverless on LocalStack

2021-08-17: I’m not throwing a tantrum, it’s called a crying. Rosemary Arnold, 17. Aug 2021

2021-08-12: Anyone have any idea what these are? Showed up this morning on every metal surface of our patio. I’m …

2021-08-06: It’s starting to look like I need to go back to masking when doing ministry at the shelter. This …

2021-08-05: I signed because our city government should prioritize Nashvillians ability to safely traverse our …

2021-08-03: There’re a lot of people walking around thinking God hates them because of their addictions. …

2021-08-03: What one book would y’all recommend for a pastor seeking to better understand and minister to …

2021-08-02: In the Year of our Lord 2021 wireless printing should not be this difficult! We have the technology!

2021-08-01: Excited to proclaim the Bread of Life come down from heaven here in a few minutes! 🍞

2021-07-23: My ordination tomorrow to the priesthood will be live-streamed for those unable to attend. Details: …

2021-07-22: Good episode on Lewis. — Men Without Chests

2021-07-21: Scanning in Rosemary’s school journal. What a world we live in!

2021-07-20: Oliver: “Give me a napkin.” Me: Shaking my head. “What’s the magic …

2021-07-19: Currently reading: A Guide to the Sacraments by John MacQuarrie 📚

2021-07-16: AT&T decided to remove my Unifi router from DMZ+ last night. So, yeah, if your network suddenly …

2021-07-12: Are there any places where one can purchased reasonably-priced used communion-ware? After my — God …

2021-07-10: Update: Thanks for the advice! Clergy shirt was the correct choice.

2021-07-10: Clergy friends: If you were meeting a Roman priest for lunch on a Saturday to talk about homeless …

2021-07-06: Finished reading: Master Plan of Evangelism, The by Robert E. Coleman 📚

2021-06-30: Deo Volente, The Right Revered Martyn Minns, Interim Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh will …

2021-06-28: She’s smiling because she’s regenerate and born anew of Water and of the Holy Ghost and made …

2021-06-28: I’ve never been a big watcher of the Euros, but it sure does seem there are a lot of own goals this …

2021-06-27: My sweet, little Virginia gets baptized today. So happy to guide her into the ark of Christ’s Holy …

2021-06-23: Interesting observation: I put a paperback prayer book on the free bookshelf at the shelter every …

2021-06-21: So, we had a fight today at the shelter. It ended fine, but made me think. What would be best to …

2021-06-19: I am thankful to serve a God who listens to the cries of his people. He frees his enslaved children …

2021-06-18: Currently reading: Master Plan of Evangelism, The by Robert E. Coleman 📚

2021-06-12: First “normal” Stammtisch since February 2020, so you know I’m going to start the day off “auf …

2021-06-12: This talk is so full of truth. Lord, I pray you soften the heart of your Church to hear! — The Lies …

2021-06-08: So, I just discovered these little prayer books from the CoE. If anyone in the ACNA is listening, …

2021-06-07: Anyone have any ideas on this? Both hydrangeas were planted at the same time. One is flowering and …

2021-06-06: Had so much fun taking my little buddy to the Lane Motor Museum. It was like seeing his matchbox …

2021-06-05: I know it’s incredibly un-PC, but I’ve never claimed to be a feminist, so I’m going to say it: …

2021-06-03: Someone donated a ‘72 United Methodist BoD to the shelter I’m at. Listen, almost no one wanted this …

2021-05-28: Pi-hole, my friends. Roku gets even more hits when someone is watching TV that day. Vizio hits top …

2021-05-25: Is there anyone on earth who actually wants an e-mail summary of Postman requests sent to their …

2021-05-24: Sermon for Pentecost 2021: Spirit, Word, See — Full video & audio at end of the text. ⛪️🔥🕊

2021-05-20: Book Recommends: Book on evangelism/community building for a men’s study group. 📚

2021-05-16: First Amazon purchase. December, 2004.

2021-05-15: It doesn’t look like much, but it took us all day to get done.

2021-05-14: Bates Nursery is so nice! Not sure how I’ve lived in Nashville this long without visiting. Excited …

2021-05-12: So, Anglican chaplains out there: How are you explaining to folk what Anglican is? — Episcopalian is …

2021-05-12: I would not join this new party, but I very much support any efforts that might pave the way for the …

2021-05-12: When I start my own enterprise the word “resource” will be banned when talking about …

2021-05-08: It doesn’t look like much, but this shed took two days. Built yesterday with my dad and brother and …

2021-05-03: So, I find myself doing a lot of ministry around folk who are smoking. Anything I can take? …

2021-04-28: The greatest joys of learning German, Dutch, and French were not the increased economic utility, but …

2021-04-28: Though it is super convenient — and a huge privilege — natively speaking a dominant global trade …

2021-04-28: Are ESL programs in India universally teaching that it’s colloquial or friendly to shorten …

2021-04-27: Sports people: I just got into “big” sports with Nashville SC. Other than going to a …

2021-04-26: Every single-income family with a dependent under 25 should pay no Federal or State income tax. — …

2021-04-25: If Twitter isn’t bringing you joy or edifying you, it ain’t worth it. No one deserves a space on …

2021-04-25: There’s a Macintosh 512k and PowerMac 8800 for sale on Craig’s List. Lord, give me strength! I do …

2021-04-16: Psalm 41 really hit me this morning. Today it’s not for me, but I feel like it speaks to someone in …

2021-04-14: Any of my mutuals done the MNPD (Nashville police) volunteer chaplain thing? Is it a worthwhile …

2021-04-12: Since we’re all about adding emoji to represent all families, where’s my option for more than two …

2021-04-11: Post-Boomer Families So, it’s not a matter of making any new arguments so much as it is just saying as proudly, …

2021-04-11: Very not cool with Plex tracking. Locally-hosted files that I control is the whole reason I use …

2021-04-09: Very excited for the EP to release! Cathedral Hymns

2021-04-04: Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! — The tomb is empty! Sin, death, and …

2021-04-02: Good Friday ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to …

2021-03-31: I think I’m becoming one of those 1662 people. It’s just so beautiful! — 2019 is a great …

2021-03-29: Is it just me or has social media, especially Christian social media become meaner over the last …

2021-03-27: Labor laws & the tax code should be updated to support all families being able to live on a …

2021-03-24: Dual-column, paragraph format King James Bible; this doesn’t exist so far as I can tell, right?

2021-03-24: So, if you start the morning office reading in Genesis 31 instead of Exodus, you’re going to be real …

2021-03-22: New nerd post: Z Shell One-Year Update 🤓

2021-03-21: Somehow, I’ve been married to this beautiful lady for six years. It is indeed “not good that the man …

2021-03-20: On some level, we need to stop being ashamed of our Catholic faith & worship. Instead of acting …

2021-03-20: Recognizing that we got logs in our own eyes, I do wonder if us orthodox, magisterial Protestants …

2021-03-19: Major props are due to Polly. I’ve used Polly to add some retry logic to several services this …

2021-03-17: I’m going to need video cards to go down in price so I can build a new PC before this is released! — …

2021-03-17: Collect for the Feast of St. Patrick, Apostle to the Irish O almighty God, who in thy providence didst choose thy servant Patrick to be the apostle of the …

2021-03-16: Y’all, Tennessee being ahead of France and Germany in vaccines was not on my 2021 bingo card.

2021-03-15: Y’all, I grew up in Alabama. I can confirm from the white side that, at least in my white Mormon …

2021-03-15: I wonder, too, other than building a special garage in the back alley, how do city folk who park on …

2021-03-15: With electric cars accelerating towards the mainstream, I wonder how long it’ll be before a family …

2021-03-14: I really dislike time changes. Please, Congress, make this the last one for Tennessee and a few …

2021-03-13: Finished reading: Compassion (&) Conviction 📚

2021-03-07: 🚨⛪️🚨 *Free* Chaplain in Nashville! 🚨⛪️🚨 Final announcement before I go Methodist and do something crazy and solo: Free — as in I …

2021-03-05: I strongly encourage everyone to drop Chrome for another browser. I enjoy Firefox, but Brave is also …

2021-03-04: I’m enjoying the BCP 1662 International Edition. I can’t say I notice the language …

2021-03-03: Hope is not a software development approach.

2021-02-24: Listen folk, if someone’s name is Michael you should not automatically shorten it to “Mike.”

2021-02-21: Y’all, Fr. Esau & Fr. Jonathan are bringing the fire here. I’m done with Evangelical culture …

2021-02-20: This. I enjoy playing Civ 5 on Settler and doing the pacifist, cultural thing. It’s relaxing & I …

2021-02-18: I just want to say how thankful I am for the City of Nashville, Metro Public Works, NES, and others. …

2021-02-14: So, what’s the general consensus on amount of appropriate fade in a clergy shirt? — Back in my …

2021-02-12: A great episode on management! Would that more would listen. — Modern Management Made Easy with …

2021-02-07: I’ve had this very same problem with my Series 3. I’ve had this problem since watchOS 6. In the end, …

2021-02-07: February 2020 Michael would not believe that he’d be trimming his beard every Sunday so that his …

2021-02-05: Generic Colouriser is a great tool that I always seem to forget about. Does wonders with tail. — …

2021-02-05: So, I did the Story Graph thing. I’m liking what I see thus far. Much quicker to use than …

2021-02-02: Vanderbilt Divinity made me lean towards a “no” on women’s ordination. Interaction on the topic in …

2021-01-28: Open question: I made a working version of an app for LectServe last week. Seems lame to just have …

2021-01-28: Y’all, how am I just now learning about M5Stack!?! These look so cool! — M5Stack - Modular Rapid …

2021-01-25: Why do Windows users run all apps maximized?!?! Y’all, it’s called Windows. The point is to have …

2021-01-19: Also, if you ask me a question in French, my answer will be “Ja oui!” I can’t stop myself! This is …

2021-01-19: “Je parle nur ein petit peu français.” — This, my friends, is why I’ll never be able to speak …

2021-01-16: Very pleased with my custom keyboard. Cherry MX Clears for alphanumeric and Browns on the rest. Was …

2021-01-14: 🚨This is not a drill!🚨 exa has been updated to run on M1 Macs in HomeBrew!

2021-01-14: Simple Keyboard KVM Switch

2021-01-13: Important thoughts by my priest on all that is happening right now in the US. — Are We Now Christian …

2021-01-12: A lesson in why one should be careful about the social media sites one decides to join. — Parler’s …

2021-01-11: A very helpful review of Docker on M1 Macs. I’m excited to see where performance ends up on this. …

2021-01-10: The wife and I watched The Social Dilemma last night. No doubt it’s a skewed viewpoint, but, still, …

2021-01-09: Listen, y’all, private platforms have private rules. If “Big Social” ban Christians, then my posts …

2021-01-08: President Trump should attend Biden’s inauguration. This is a critical part of how a constitutional, …

2021-01-06: Trump should resign now. If not, Congress should impeach him and restore order. — I renounce this …

2021-01-04: Born in: 🇵🇦 Parents in: 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Lived in: 🇦🇹 🇩🇪 🇵🇦 🇳🇱 🇺🇸 Been to: 🇦🇹 🇧🇪 🇨🇦 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇬🇷 🇮🇹 🇵🇦 🇳🇱 🇸🇮 🇨🇭 🇬🇧 …

2021-01-04: I’ve been using exa for a while now. It’s a great, drop-in replacement for ls. — exa · a modern …

2021-01-01: What’s up with all the email newsletters? Please, y’all, blog with RSS feed is so much better!

2020-12-26: Arnolds are fine and safe after the explosion. The explosion rocked our house, but caused no damage. …

2020-12-22: “Hallelujah! Christ Is Coming” is very much my cry of 2020 and Advent. Despite it all, I know my …

2020-12-20: Once DNS records propagate overnight, I’ll be totally off AWS. It was interesting, but way too …

2020-12-20: If the people who have been stocking and running my Aldi throughout this pandemic don’t get the …

2020-12-14: Y’all, I did not have repeatedly agreeing with Beth Moore on my 2020 bingo card.

2020-12-05: I’m a little over doing ministry this way, but I’m thankful for sun and nice weather this afternoon.

2020-12-04: Lord, for these ours sins, we are truly and deeply sorry. — REVIEW: Purdue ThanksNuggets - The …

2020-12-01: Bonus 🔥: American Evangelicals are outside the catholic orthodoxy & orthopraxy of the majority …

2020-12-01: Sharing some 🔥: Advent isn’t pre-Christmas, you aren’t a “high-church Evangelical” if you light some …

2020-11-29: I spent a whole week on a network without Pi-Hole. Y’all, the Internet is gross and everyone should …

2020-11-28: So, I’ve been praying with ‘62 for the last week. I’m not sure I can go back to a modern prayer …

2020-11-22: Thought: All “Christian" political figures should recite Matthew 25:31-46 before making any …

2020-11-22: Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing …

2020-11-20: Anyone know of a KJV edition with modern(ish) commentary noting translation issues and language …

2020-11-19: Idea: Skill that prevents Alexa from playing Christmas music before Christmas until you’ve prayed …

2020-11-15: So, if all the seculars are going to start “Christmas” early, the only antidote is me …

2020-11-11: I’m a little bummed about the 16gb RAM ceiling, but – baring bad reviews – I think I’m getting a Mac …

2020-11-10: Woot! Sounds like I’m getting a Mac min!

2020-11-10: My hopes for today are an ARM Mac mini-tower. I’d settle for an ARM Mac mini with user-serviceable …

2020-11-09: Leute, Leute, Leute! This is not a drill. Sie haben Augustiner-Bräu bei Woodland Wine Merchant! 🍺

2020-11-05: Y’all, this really shouldn’t be news, but dehydration is a thing. I’ve started …

2020-11-02: Being engaged in the secular political is important. At the same time I am very happy that God sits …

2020-10-26: Cool, cool. The perfect Logos 9 package for me will only cost about ~$4k. 🤦‍♂️ — This, my friends, …

2020-10-25: The virus has made this difficult, but you can be assured, the second Virginia’s godmother, …

2020-10-21: …”Let the children come to me [Jesus], and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of …

2020-10-21: Whoever receives one such child in my [Jesus] name receives me; but whoever causes one of these …

2020-10-18: I’m guest preaching, so you know I have to quote a Mississippi Mass Choir song. …

2020-10-16: The DNC had months to make their case, but — for me at least — they failed. If I can figure out how …

2020-10-16: Woke police! Have y’all heard of this cat Isaiah? He’s saying some pretty crazy things …

2020-10-14: This hobbit is very happy about the iPhone mini!

2020-10-11: The partisan divide here is interesting. I find myself following the COVID practices of the left, …

2020-10-06: Actual conversation that just happened in my house: R: “Hey, Oliver, you wanna run around in …

2020-10-04: Bringing my first non-Mormon Bible with me on my first official service as a deacon. Thanks be to …

2020-10-04: My first public reading of the Gospel as a deacon involves a lot of people getting killed, so that …

2020-10-03: “O Lord, I have heard the report of thee, and thy work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years …

2020-10-02: “O Lord, guide those who govern us; And lead us in the way of justice and truth.” Anglicans pray …

2020-09-30: The debate was simply a mirror reflecting back to us what we are. We must repent. Y’all, be …

2020-09-30: Vote. Be engaged in the political process. But in all remember: Christ alone is king. Christ alone …

2020-09-29: Dev community gut check: It’s not unreasonable to expect to be able to install development/workflow …

2020-09-18: Heart and Soul for Whom? “Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.” - …

2020-09-17: Ein Paar Lieder habe doch die Texte dazu!

2020-09-17: Pass auf! Alexa kann jetzt Wir Sind Helden in die USA spielen!

2020-09-15: The best chaser after The Color of Compromise and Reading While Black? On the Incarnation by the …

2020-09-15: My Apple event wish: A headless prosumer ARM Mac. Then, I could finally ditch my iMac, get an …

2020-09-13: Sad that the DNC doesn’t even deny that pro-life folk aren’t welcome in the party. Huge mistake. …

2020-09-11: The Pebble Time was such a great device. I’m still sad it all ended. — 10: Pebble — Flashback — …

2020-09-08: Reading While Black is a powerful testament to the hope of the Gospel given to all people through …

2020-09-08: “I [Jesus] tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word …

2020-09-07: Is anyone in my circle familiar with Tennessee alcohol laws? Would it be legal to host a …

2020-09-04: The ACNA should be in conversation with the AMEC, CMEC, and the AMECZ. They are our brothers. We did …

2020-09-04: Do I have anyone in my network who owns or manages (or knows someone who does) a trailer park or …

2020-09-03: I found this CD from college and it did not disappoint.

2020-09-02: I finally watched Hamilton. The redemptive ending between Alexander and Eliza was moving and the …

2020-09-01: Had to support a fellow Anglican from Huntsville. Get your copy today! Very excited to read this …

2020-08-29: Let us go forth into the world rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Alleluia, alleluia. ​ …

2020-08-29: On our way! Today at 2 the bishop will ordain me a deacon. Thanks be to God! It’s been a long …

2020-08-27: “Thus says the Lord of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy each to his …

2020-08-25: Woe to her that is rebellious and defiled, the oppressing city! She listens to no voice, she accepts …

2020-08-23: Sometimes Rome reminds me why I’m an English Catholic. This is one of those times. — Matthew Hood …

2020-08-22: Indigo Middle Candle — What Kind Of Anglican Are You?

2020-08-17: An occasional reminder: I enjoy old(er) computers & handhelds. Very interested if you find an …

2020-08-15: St. Augustine’s Prayer Book is an amazing resource for personal and family prayer. Mine is a …

2020-08-11: A Word During Coronatide “Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn, that he may heal us; he has stricken, and he will …

2020-08-10: Racists gonna racists. — How many of these are just versions of the first national flag of the CSA? …

2020-08-07: In this house we believe in the mother of all sciences, theology; the study of the one Holy, true, …

2020-08-01: Dear anti-mask people at CostCo, I see you and you look ridiculous with your nose hanging out and …

2020-07-30: Assistance requested: Is the below an alb or a cassock-alb? Would you wear it over a traditional …

2020-07-29: A very thoughtful discussion of current events. — CP | We’re Back (but should we reopen) — The …

2020-07-26: Anyone else listening to the Excavator Song as a prelude to Church this morning?

2020-07-24: Getting an alb for my ordination. 🤢 Why did people start wearing these? Traditional Anglican choir …

2020-07-18: Hanging out with my newest buddy. She’s pretty great. 💚

2020-07-18: Führung in Tech-Teams: Warum junge Leute keine Karriere mehr machen wollen — t3n Podcast – Das …

2020-07-17: Dear protestors, I agree, the police are too violent, the government doesn’t listen, and the sin of racism sits deep …

2020-07-09: I am very blessed and excited to announce that I will be ordained to the diaconate, God willing, on …

2020-07-09: I get that all scientists are not the same, etc., etc., but I really would rather they focus their …

2020-07-02: I’m little bit obsessed with this little girl. 💚

2020-06-30: Praise God! After a long night of temp checks and attempts to catheterize Virginia for a urine …

2020-06-29: Results just came back. All negative! God is good! They think Virginia is just small and has trouble …

2020-06-29: Virginia has been admitted to Vanderbilt Children’s this morning with a low temperature. Because of …

2020-06-27: If you value life, please wear a mask. 😷 — Health Board Orders Mask Mandate in Nashville

2020-06-25: Very happy to hold my sweet little girl!

2020-06-25: I like many things about St. Thomas, but the open arms of Christ welcoming my daughter out of the …

2020-06-22: ARM Macs solves a big quandary for me. Looks like I’ll get whatever the next Mac Mini is and …

2020-06-22: Is the Newton back? I’m jazzed!

2020-06-19: NB: If you’re saying “black lives matter”, but you aren’t wearing a mask; I don’t believe you.

2020-06-16: ἐκ παντὸς ἔθνους, Black lives matter After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation — …

2020-06-14: The Magnificat is a political statement. Jesus is Lord of every facet of our lives or he has none. …

2020-06-13: Giving mosquito juice a try. Will know this evening if it does anything at all.

2020-06-12: If you’re calling ACNA and confessional Lutheran priests/pastors “progressive” or “liberal” for …

2020-06-08: New to Racism? Am I imagining things or did most white folk really think racism didn’t exist and wasn’t impacting …

2020-06-04: Though not perfect, this is the type of platform I would expect from a Christian political party. …

2020-05-31: Y’all, if you have to use Facebook to manage a page, this Firefox add-on is a Godsend. It blocks the …

2020-05-30: “Snail” by Rosemary 🎨

2020-05-29: This is the first cross I ever purchased. For a post-Mormon, it was a pretty big deal. Hangs in my …

2020-05-28: I painted this a while back as part of a date kit with Jennifer. 🎨

2020-05-27: This icon reminds me of the full humanity of Christ inherited from his mother. The Theotokos suffers …

2020-05-26: I bought this nativity over a decade ago. I still love it. Displayed all year in my library. 🎨

2020-05-25: By far, my favorite icon. Иконопись 🎨

2020-05-24: Atomic Habits 📚

2020-05-23: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work 📚

2020-05-22: Inhabiting the Cruciform God 📚

2020-05-21: I was incredibly happy to see how many people were wearing masks when I got groceries today. Two …

2020-05-21: Ascension

2020-05-21: The Deep Things of God 📚

2020-05-20: For the Life of the World 📚

2020-05-19: Public service announcement: A powered Ethernet cable will degrade signal in a coax cable.

2020-05-19: Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity: A Brief Systematic Theology 📚

2020-05-18: So, the kids’ snails had babies. 🐌

2020-05-18: Is it just me, or does Life Together seem to end abruptly? Great read, but I was surprised by how it …

2020-05-18: Finished reading: Gemeinsames Leben by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 📚

2020-05-18: The Book of Common Prayer 📚

2020-05-17: Finished reading: Man Up!: The Quest for Masculinity by Jeffrey Hemmer 📚

2020-05-17: Violet intermission screen. September, 2014. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-16: Indigo? San Jose, February, 2015. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-15: Blue skies of Nederland. May, 2007. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-14: Living and exhorting others to enter a life of loving God and neighbor, stepping through cultural …

2020-05-14: Green clover in my backyard, 2020. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-13: Finished reading: Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands by Judith Schalansky 📚

2020-05-13: Absolutely no idea. Yellow, 2013. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-12: When did my little baby grow up? 2017 Orange. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-11: Taking some liberties. Red wine, Honeymoon 2015. Micro Challenge 📷

2020-05-10: ​℣ Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ, et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. ​​℟ Ave Maria, gratia plena, …

2020-05-09: Achievement unlocked. Three car seats in one van.

2020-05-09: Yes, Chico, I remember when I was cool and had a Mini before this Van. Why you gotta rub it in?

2020-05-09: “Nobis Canon unus in Scripta relatus a Deo, Duo Testamenta, Tria Symbola, Quatuor Priora …

2020-05-08: “The love of God does not find, but creates, that which is pleasing to it. The love of man …

2020-05-07: „Das war ein Vorspiel nur, dort wo Man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt Man am Ende auch Menschen.“ - …

2020-05-06: I’m unfollowing a lot of blogs today and prayerfully seeking God’s guidance on what I …

2020-05-06: Our black sisters & brothers are dying in the streets taking a jog and we’re blogging about …

2020-05-06: “Ik ben iedere dag weer dankbaar dat ik heb wat ik heb en ben wie ik ben.” - Onbekend 💬

2020-05-05: The only real voyage of discovery… “The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new …

2020-05-04: „Die Grenzen meiner Sprache sind die Grenzen meiner Welt.“ - Ludwig Wittgenstein 💬

2020-05-03: I’m going live this evening at 16:00 CDST to lead some German-language worship. Join if you …

2020-05-03: Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortális, miserére nobis. 💬

2020-05-02: “Heer, red mij, red mij toch! Ik vertrouw op uw woorden. […] Red mij, want ik hoor bij u. Ik …

2020-05-01: Really enjoying BlueApron! 👨‍🍳 Mexican-Spiced Salmon & Cilantro Sauce with Quinoa, Shishito …

2020-05-01: I’ll be doing the Micro Challenge each day for the rest of the month. Get ready for …

2020-04-29: Y’all, this book is really good. Only at chapter 4 and I’ve already learned so much about personal …

2020-04-28: People 👏 Are 👏 Not 👏 Resources 👏

2020-04-27: Good advice here. We’re doing BlueApron just to have an activity to look forward to each week. — The …

2020-04-24: I’m excited for the traditional language BCP2019. Ideally, I’d love to see an evolution …

2020-04-24: I will never budge! Two spaces is better than one! — Microsoft Word now flags two spaces after a …

2020-04-24: We have been in quarantine for 42 days! 🦠😷🦠

2020-04-21: So, as some things start to open back up, I wonder how society will take those who must still stay …

2020-04-19: I went to CVS to get some prescriptions wearing the mask my mom made us. It’s made from the same …

2020-04-15: Results from I Side With are absolutely unsurprising.

2020-04-14: Not to brag, but I made a pretty cool castle. 🏰

2020-04-13: Day 30 in quarantine and the kids have collected snails as pets. 🐌

2020-04-12: This is precisely what I needed to hear this morning. He is Risen! „Ich bin immer bei euch, jeden …

2020-04-10: Prayer for Those who Stand Helpless The prayer at the fourth station of the cross moved me this afternoon. It is a prayer we all need in …

2020-04-10: NeuBible is still my goto Bible app on my phone. Still the best, or are there others I should be …

2020-04-10: No surprise, but a Bible or Prayer Book App were not on the list.

2020-04-08: My local brewery is delivering beer to my house this afternoon. Why in the world wasn’t this …

2020-04-05: Based on observed quarantine Eucharistic practice, I’m really not sure how TEC is going to square …

2020-04-04: Y’all, this is very much my jam right now. 🙏 📖

2020-03-30: Installing SimCity on my Palm IIIc while on a conference call, as one does. 🤓

2020-03-29: Other than some walks around the neighborhood, we haven’t left our house for 16 days. Thankful we’ve …

2020-03-26: “Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers; you are worthy of praise; glory to you.” The Benedictis es, …

2020-03-25: ℣. The Angel of the LORD announced unto Mary, ℟. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. “Pray for …

2020-03-24: I created a new shortcut…

2020-03-23: Listening to these amazing ladies process COVID-19 was extremely helpful for me. Thanks for letting …

2020-03-21: What sucks most about this virus for me is trying to work through the balance of protecting my …

2020-03-21: In these times of isolation, I’m thankful to be surrounded by the communion of saints across all …

2020-03-16: Interesting news. I do hope someone from the ACNA is ready to offer apostolic ordinations for these …

2020-03-16: Why the hay doesn’t WebEx default to muting all participants when they join a call?

2020-03-14: Absolutely no shame. B-Tab is very much my self-quarantine jam right now.

2020-03-14: Ariel by Rosemary Arnold. Age 4.

2020-03-13: So excited to be going to the Anglican-Wesleyan Theology Conference in August!

2020-03-13: Lest we forget the safest place during these troubled times. — It Remains To Be Seen, a song by …

2020-03-12: I am blessed in so many ways to have Rosemary in my life. It’s been an amazing four years. I’m …

2020-03-10: If you’re struggling to manage settings across multiple projects in GitLab, GitLab Form is a …

2020-03-10: NetNewWire for iOS is great! I’m excited for Feedly support in 5.1 for macOS so I can use it …

2020-03-09: Very pleased to see folk taking precautions and actually washing their hands at the office. 🧼

2020-03-09: Words I never thought I’d write in founding a new ministry: ”Rebasing the master branch of …

2020-03-07: Praise God for guiding us through long journeys to the right place! Exciting new ministry …

2020-03-07: Ember Day letter to the bishop, ✅

2020-03-06: A word from Bishop Jim on the Coronavirus.

2020-03-02: The Book of Common Prayer’s prayer In the time of any common Plague or Sickness is very much my …

2020-02-29: Drafts 5 Sermon Prep with LectServe

2020-02-29: This was a super interesting history of the first micro computer. — Personal Computers: The Altair …

2020-02-23: If you are looking to start a habit of daily prayer this Lent, I’d offer you my daily prayer site. …

2020-02-17: Leute! Es gibt „Nailed It!“ auf Deutsch bei Netflix und es ist so mein Ding! 👨‍🍳

2020-02-17: When I’m on Facebook doing church stuff, I constantly see these ads. — Hustle, work, compete. No …

2020-02-10: Results really aren’t all that surprising. I am curious what puts Lutheranism up at the top.

2020-02-09: Bernie 2020 asked, and they received.

2020-02-05: Let it be known: When Confluent says Control Center requires 16gb of memory, what they mean is 20gb.

2020-02-02: Darstellung des Herrn — Angst vor den Tod, Ein Predigt.

2020-02-02: We’re singing an Easter hymn tomorrow and I’ve no shame. It works for my Lichtmess sermon! (And, …

2020-02-01: My home screen. 📱

2020-01-30: Praying the Evening Office with Toddlers: marmanold.com/2020/01/3…

2020-01-29: This four-episode interview is tragic. If you are leaving or questioning the Mormon faith, don’t do …

2020-01-26: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 (RSV) — His Word has Made it So

2020-01-25: A very happy birthday to my little buddy. It’s only been two years, but I can’t imagine life without …

2020-01-22: I’m not sure how this works, but if beer and a cookie are a “positive pattern”, I’ll take it!

2020-01-20: Tonight we did the Phos hilaron instead of the Magnificat with our abridged evening prayer. Rosemary …

2020-01-19: My periodic reminder that I do IT consulting work for small business, non-profits, and churches. …

2020-01-14: Lass der Leser verstehen: Oracle ist Böse. — Java-Streit: Breite Unterstützung für Google gegen …

2020-01-12: Random thought: When Evangelicals hear O Come to the Altar what are they picturing? Like there’s no …

2020-01-11: The Basis Bible Auslese is a great way to increase your Biblical vocabulary in German. — Review: …

2020-01-09: Does anyone happen to have the contact information for Fr. Brian Darnell at Core-Civic?

2020-01-06: Starting a little German-language service is not what I pictured myself doing after divinity school, …

2020-01-04: I do wonder, if a UMC congregation chose to affiliate with the ACNA would that be kosher? Is …

2020-01-04: I’m sad for the UMC — especially the majority orthodox that will still have to start a new church —, …

2019-12-31: How long can a two-year-old listen to Wheels on the Bus? We’re going on an hour and he’s still …

2019-12-26: A little bit of research to be done, but I think I’m in a good place to make the transition to …

2019-12-26: Y’all, I just want a headless iMac with a video card slot, user serviceable RAM, and two user …

2019-12-22: Subscribed.

2019-12-22: Ember Day Letter — A little late, but ✅

2019-12-20: I’m on Team Catholic on this one. — Sermon Length | Christianity Today

2019-12-18: I just can’t understand renouncing ones own Eucharistic ministry and the ministry of centuries of …

2019-12-17: 🚨I’ve got an open senior developer position on my team. C#, Python, Docker Swarm, GitLab CI, …

2019-12-16: The “O antiphons” start today for the English and tomorrow for everyone else. Advent is getting real …

2019-12-14: O come, O come Emmanuel. #stillnotchristmas #advent #emmanual

2019-12-14: I’m doing annual certification training for the Williamson County sheriff’s office on …

2019-12-13: Gesucht: In Natalem Christi Diem, Weihnachtspredigt von Hl. Chrysostomos auf Deutsch.

2019-12-10: I wish Apple would release an iMac-priced desktop with user-serviceable RAM, HD, and graphic card.

2019-12-08: Y’all, seriously, a week in to Advent this resource has been a game changer. My three-year-old has …

2019-12-07: “we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us” This is what those in some Christian …

2019-12-07: If you ever wanted to be my neighbor, now is your chance. 🏡

2019-12-05: Interesting episode, but I’m extremely thankful I don’t create my own identity. Arnolds' …

2019-12-03: So, this is something incredibly useful I can say in Latin now…

2019-12-01: German Advent Service. Y’all come visit! 16:00 at Memorial Lutheran! stmang.org

2019-12-01: I wonder: How many other pastors have a Hazel job that calls Pandoc to create a large-font sermon …

2019-11-30: Some brief thoughts about secular Christmas and Advent. — Advent: Always be Ready

2019-11-29: I’m not sure what just happened in my living room floor, but I do not approve! Ken has some …

2019-11-28: Nashville has so much of this cookie-cutter architecture. (And we seem to only be building housing …

2019-11-28: Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃

2019-11-26: Since the whole secular world starts Christmas months(!?!?!) early, it’s okay that I started …

2019-11-25: Black Friday is the most celebrated shopping festival throughout the year… Behold, my friends, the …

2019-11-24: The Season of Light; A Great Family Advent-Wreath Resource — www.marmanold.com/2019/11/2…

2019-11-22: Sometimes the phrases you’re learning in DuoLingo are a little odd.

2019-11-21: 🔥🔥🔥 — B16 | Interview with Dr. Hans Boersma, Professor of Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House …

2019-11-20: No doubt the neighbors think we’re growing pot. Reality: Just trying to keep my wife’s succulents …

2019-11-20: So, turns out DBI has amazing trace functionality. Incredibly helpful for debugging SQL query …

2019-11-19: “Summon help”?!? It makes it sound like you need a witch to make a calling circle to conjure a …

2019-11-17: Is Amazon seriously using Ave Maria in a commercial? This is not okay! The Holy Theotokos is not …

2019-11-15: Praise be to God for answering Rosemary’s prayer and increasing her faith! — He is a better …

2019-11-14: Y’all. This is good stuff. Realizing of late how close English Catholics are to German Catholics. — …

2019-11-14: A Decade's Progress “There’s only one month left in the decade. What have you accomplished?” Received …

2019-11-11: Wanted: Mini/Pocketable BCP 2019 w/o Psalter, Episcopal Services, and Special Liturgies.

2019-11-11: Bishop Hobby’s sermon at diocesan convention was really great! — bit.ly/2Q7xH4o

2019-11-11: Moving to Z She’ll from Bash is easier (and better) than you think. — Migrate from Bash to Z Shell …

2019-11-10: Tennessee folk, today is the day to winterize your faucets! ❄️

2019-11-09: Realtime follow-up. Wife and I turned around to talk about Rugrats. Five seconds later, Oliver was …

2019-11-09: Watching Rugrats with the kids. Totally different experience now that I identify with the parents. …

2019-11-08: Some really great thoughts about keeping a holy Advent. — Generous Orthodoxy - Ruminations: Keeping …

2019-11-07: Church folk: Adobe Spark is amazing for social media stuff! Saves me loads of time each week. Highly …

2019-11-04: These are great questions the Perl community needs to answer. Why Perl instead of Python or …

2019-11-02: This is the post I wanted to write, but didn’t. — Told the Devil That I’m Going on a Strike: Kanye …

2019-10-31: This account stands with asking other Christians, dead or alive, to pray for us. — St. George, ora …

2019-10-30: Jesus saved me, now I’m sane. God Is, a song by Kanye West on Spotify

2019-10-29: Warum haben deutsche Bibeln größtenteils festen Einband?

2019-10-28: 🔥 — On Anglican Orders, The Sacramentalists

2019-10-28: 👋 Deutsche Unternehmen; Für 44.000€ hab ich bestimmt Interesse! — Fachkräftemangel: Bundesregierung …

2019-10-25: Y’all. 🤯 — God Is, a song by Kanye West on Spotify

2019-10-25: So, based what I’m seeing on social (and non) media, I’m going to need to stay up and listen to …

2019-10-25: As a father I’m quite proud at how worn Rosemary’s St. Joseph’s Bible is. 💚

2019-10-25: Fifty days of Latin on DuoLingo! I’m proud of myself for starting and sticking with this!

2019-10-23: I watched 9 to 5 for the first time the other day. What a funny little movie! Not at all what I …

2019-10-19: Thor Mirchandani’s article on fully homomorphic encryption in The Hacker Quarterly has me thinking …

2019-10-17: Seit 3 Monate, stehe ich jeden Tag um 5 Uhr auf. Ich bete, Twittere, lese, und lerne Latein. Was …

2019-10-17: Y’all, make sure you create a VM from the restore partition of Mojave before you upgrade to …

2019-10-16: It’s not clear to me if the eRosary is actually sanctioned by Rome, but if so… the Church of …

2019-10-16: So, #wat, is there such a thing as a wrinkle-free surplice? Mine looks horrible at all times. Can’t …

2019-10-11: Distributing Python scripts is to tech novices is a pain. This’ll help. 🐍 — Announcing Feet, a …

2019-10-11: I actually learned a lot about SD cards I didn’t know. Good article. — SD card: Jargon busted, speed …

2019-10-10: Corporations undermine the whole “free markets” == liberty thing when they fail to uphold Western …

2019-10-09: This quarter’s Plough has, in just the first few pages, brought some good deep thinking about a …

2019-10-06: An actual, working pay phone found at a rest stop in Florida. It’s been ages since I’ve seen one of …

2019-10-06: Started Mark’s gospel again this morning. It’s amazing how quickly he gets rolling. John, baptism, …

2019-10-03: My first German homily (text & audio) in a very long time. I realize I’ve forgotten …

2019-10-01: I’m late to the party on this, but Gemeinsames Leben is 🔥. I’m doing some serious highlighting.

2019-09-28: I was unaware of how bad Stallman had been. His treatment of women and hosts is unacceptable. …

2019-09-28: St. Mang wird Musik haben! Gott ist gut! stmang.org

2019-09-27: Given what’s going on in the US and UK, it wouldn’t be awful if the queen asserted her authority. …

2019-09-26: I can pretty much guarantee I’m the only person in the world listening to this album right now. 🎶

2019-09-26: German Friends & Roman Catholics: Does anyone know of German-speaking clergy in the Diocese of …

2019-09-26: I’ve always appreciated Anselm more than most. — Theology Shorts: Anselm

2019-09-24: So, I want to get into MLS with Nashville’s new team. What’s the best way to watch games without …

2019-09-22: St. Mang ist offiziell online! 3. November treffen wir fürs erstes Mal ein. Machen Sie bitte mit!

2019-09-22: I setup a GoFundMe for my little brother’s adoption today. It’s truly troubling the number of …

2019-09-19: Currently reading: Gemeinsames Leben by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 📚

2019-09-19: Finished reading: Evangelical Theology by Karl Barth 📚

2019-09-19: This is your annual reminder that Patat is an awesome way to do presentations.

2019-09-18: Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem… Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum… Et in Spiritum Sanctum. …

2019-09-17: Y’all, Barth’s Evangelical Theology is so good! How’d I make it out of divinity school without being …

2019-09-14: This is wrong. More and more I rethink my use of Amazon. — Amazon Cuts Medical Benefits

2019-09-14: Duolingo has me super confused about sum and est. I’ve been hoping the exercises would make it …

2019-09-12: Follow-up on Anglican Eschatology: History and Eschatology by NT Wright The Coming of God by Jurgen …

2019-09-11: I’m liking what I’m seeing in the American Solidarity Party’s platform. — Is it …

2019-09-10: Teil es Weit und Breit!: Ökumenische Sankt-Magnusgemeinde; Erster Gottesdienst 3. November 16:00 bei …

2019-09-10: Y’all, the Duolingo Latin course is pretty fun. I should probably be focusing my efforts on …

2019-09-07: Seriously, God bless the people who put family restrooms places.

2019-09-06: I love the Avette Brothers so much! Bang Bang 🚫🔫

2019-09-05: Seriously, this would be my dream car. — Volkswagen will help turn old Beetles and microbuses …

2019-09-05: So, Anglicans, what’s the best book to read on eschatology? I run in a lot of evangelical …

2019-09-03: Riddle me this: On 9/2 I cycled ~10 miles pulling 50lbs of children behind me. No green ring. On 9/3 …

2019-09-03: Wow! I can’t believe this is happening. Good for Wal-Mart. — Walmart ending all handgun ammunition …

2019-09-01: I preached a sermon about our call to the common life as Christians. Give it a listen.

2019-08-31: I tire of violence in America. “How long, O Lord?…” Psalm 13

2019-08-31: This is a really great album. 🎶

2019-08-30: This, I believe, constitutes a hostile work environment.

2019-08-29: I was struck this morning studying Ezekiel 37 with my Bible study group. Ezekiel 37 so clearly …

2019-08-29: You know, at times it’s almost as if corporate security actively seeks out ways to make …

2019-08-28: I’m troubled by this response. We too easily separate Church and state. — A Sloppy Attack on …

2019-08-27: Y’all, I’m preaching Sunday and — given our lectionary readings for next week — my …

2019-08-24: I enjoy my fancy summer coffees. ☕️

2019-08-22: To answer my own question, the Lord’s Prayer was “modernized” from the English tradition …

2019-08-22: The RSV is an underrated translation. I’ve been using it near-exclusively for the last year …

2019-08-22: So, I’ve started on occasion to pray the morning office from 1662. I’ve noticed the …

2019-08-21: ”Freu dich über all das Gute, das der Herr, dein Gott, dir schenkt — und allen, die zu dir gehören! …

2019-08-20: Follow-up review: In the month and a half since I finished Atomic Habits I’ve successfully …

2019-08-19: “We reject the pretensions of nationalism to usurp our highest loyalties. National identity …

2019-08-19: “… as Americans we owe each other a distinct allegiance and must put each other first.” This, for …

2019-08-18: I asked for Encarta 98 — deluxe, no less — for Christmas and got it. I could spend hours in Encarta …

2019-08-16: The progressive left is not a friend to Christianity. The American Solidarity Party gives me hope …

2019-08-13: Y’all, corporate Agile (tm) will kill your soul. If you want agility and developer happiness, …

2019-08-13: At the new J.O.B. I consciously elected to keep work communications off my phone. Though I’ve …

2019-08-11: I just finished the summer issue of Plough Quarterly. It is a timely issue for the present moment …

2019-08-09: Is it just me or does every Kafka producer/consumer — no matter the language — seem like a giant …

2019-08-08: Rosemary’s fresh, new interpretation of the bologna sandwich.

2019-08-08: What is the Gospel? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Truth’s Table

2019-08-08: I’m going to be ministering to our homeless sisters and brothers Saturday morning in East …

2019-08-07: “Ökumenische Gemeinde Sankt Mang” ➡️➡️➡️ Ja oder Nein? (Für eine Deutschsprachige Gemeinde in East …

2019-08-06: Smith & Lentz Vienna Lager makes me very happy inside! 🍺

2019-08-06: Not to brag, but St. Octopus has invited me to join the Illuminati.

2019-08-06: This evening I’m discussing if “‘White’ People can be Saved” and talking about our …

2019-08-04: Also, “white” Christians: the GOP, the Constituion, and politics are not the answer. The blood of …

2019-08-04: Y’all, we have a hate, racism, mental health, and community problem in “white” America. We must …

2019-08-03: Join us at Eastland Park today until noon. We’re meeting our neighbors. Pray God sends the people he …

2019-08-03: I think this’ll be a bad move. I know lots of folk who deleted Facebook, but kept Instagram because …

2019-08-03: I’m pretty proud of my brick dragon. Notice, especially, the cantilevered sections of the body. 🐉

2019-08-02: I’m only 25 pages into Evangelical Theology and it’s 🔥. I totally get why a certain VDS …

2019-08-02: Good stuff in this article. I supported the workers during “Prime Days” and purchased …

2019-07-31: Corporate America: Making socialism, distributism, etc. look good since the Industrial Age.

2019-07-31: I have many questions about this recipe my wife found yesterday. ——————————— In a vessel mix …

2019-07-30: Leute, es passiert! Gottesdienst auf Deutsch. Monatlich. East Nashville. Mehr Information kommt …

2019-07-30: Hard choices this morning selecting my next book to read. In the end, Barth’s Evangelical Theology …

2019-07-30: Finished reading: Reformation Anglicanism 📚

2019-07-25: I wish more IT leaders would read The Alliance. We are not a family. We are colleagues working …

2019-07-25: I’m only halfway through, but reading Reformation Anglicanism by Null and Yates I already realize I …

2019-07-24: This tool is so awesome! I have it running all day. — htop - an interactive process viewer for Unix

2019-07-23: Dear Progressives, Your political rhetoric and strategy is contributing to populist movements like …

2019-07-20: Happy Birthday to my amazing, beautiful, smart, patient, and kind wife! I love you! 💚

2019-07-19: Management. Seriously, how did I do it for years? Such a horrible way to live!

2019-07-18: Why is Spain different from California? —> Catholic Christianity, Community, Monarchy, etc.

2019-07-17: Woot! Going to the LifeCycle Conference at St. James MBC tomorrow. Excited to see where my ministry …

2019-07-15: Mater dei, ora pro nobis. — I Shall not Walk Alone

2019-07-14: Compiling BasiliskII for my kids’ computer.

2019-07-13: I haven’t really advertised this much, but I do consulting on the side. I’m especially interested in …

2019-07-13: Anyone out there deploying Confluent’s Kafka platform to Docker Swarm?

2019-07-13: My new fancy summer coffee creation is 💯! 🥛+❄️+☕️ == 😋

2019-07-13: The Collect for Sabbath Rest is a great reminder. So often I seek to pack my Saturdays too full. …

2019-07-10: There is a 12,000 ft^2 maker space within biking distance to my house! I had no idea! So excited! …

2019-07-10: A very good question indeed. Why are we taxing bus riders to pay rich people to buy McMansions and …

2019-07-08: FaceTime counts as social media?!? Apple needs to work on Screen Time. A 30-minute Video Chat with …

2019-07-08: I just finished Bret Fisher’s “Docker Swarm Mastery” course. I really enjoyed it and learned …

2019-07-07: I love Screen Time in iOS 12, but there really needs to be a way to exclude Messages from the social …

2019-07-07: Finished reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear 📚

2019-07-04: 2600 is, by far, the best tech publication I have ever read. 🖥 🤓

2019-07-03: This article is spot on. It mirrors much of my experience in the UMC and at Vanderbilt. — Seminary …

2019-07-02: At IKEA in Atlanta. I don’t even want to know the story behind this sign!

2019-06-29: Lee Greenwood’s got some unexpected soul in “Ain’t No Trick” 🎶

2019-06-27: These DNC debates are awful. We need blue labor or some sort of Christian social democratic party.

2019-06-26: I got a TRS-80 Model 100 off Craigslist a while back. Pretty fun little computer. Writing BASIC …

2019-06-25: Finished reading: Against Calvinism 📚

2019-06-25: I love the ‘94 Book of Occasional Services on exorcism. Basically, “Dude, ask yo’ bishop. This is …

2019-06-23: I bought “Against Calvinism” six years ago before seminary and Anglicanism. Three chapters in, it’s …

2019-06-23: Baptist must necessarily reject the validity of Calvin, Luther, Augustine, and many other immanent …

2019-06-23: Chapter 2 of Olson’s “Against Calvinism” struggles at times with why Calvinist Baptist are excluded …

2019-06-22: I know it’s unorthodox and I do love the BCP morning office, but I always find myself drawn back to …

2019-06-22: It’s a Rend Collective type of rainy day. Remembering God’s joy and presence in all the storms!

2019-06-21: Precisely what I thought would happen.  — Mega-church Pastor Nominate Lifeway CEO

2019-06-21: Curses! This episode is making me want to get a stand-alone camera!

2019-06-21: Scala Native is pretty darn cool.

2019-06-21: Y’all, now is a good time to pray the prayers for peace found in our beautiful new prayer book …

2019-06-21: For the Peace of the World “Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: Kindle, we pray, in the hearts of …

2019-06-21: For the Peace fo the World “Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength …

2019-06-19: “It is permitted to no man to curse another, for the apostle Paul says, that the cursers shall not …

2019-06-18: The boards on the Classic and SE both look really good. No battery leakage! My beloved first …

2019-06-17: It is so exciting seeing Prayer Books at Provincial Assembly! I can’t wait for mine to arrive in the …

2019-06-16: Fathers Day at Cheekwood

2019-06-16: “the Catholic Faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, neither …

2019-06-15: We asked Alexa to play romantic music. We got: Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, and the Googoo Dolls. 🤷‍♀️

2019-06-15: This morning’s album selection: The Charlie Daniels Band 🎶

2019-06-10: Y’all, IntelliJ is painful. Don’t have the time right now, but I’ve got to get …

2019-06-09: Nativitas Domini: Mary, the mother of Christ “Let us also be mindful of how great dignity is the holy maiden Mary, the mother of Christ: she is …

2019-06-09: “We should also honor Christ’s nativity and his birth-tide with ghostly joy, and adorn ourselves …

2019-06-09: “Christ would that many prophets, and also the heathen should announce his advent, and make known …

2019-06-08: Yikes! Sleep aide for babies? Not sure this is a good idea. (But, I so understand the temptation!)

2019-06-06: Y’all, LuLu is awesome. For $20 bucks I got “The Homilies of Ælfric” printed. So much better than …

2019-06-04: I’ll be switching to the new Eero with HomeKit once it’s announced. Been using Unfi for the …

2019-06-03: So, it seems eGPUs on the Mac mini aren’t awful. (Especially for a casual gamer like myself.) …

2019-06-03: So don’t know what to do about a new computer now. What I need is a Mac Pro Mini that costs ~3-4k …

2019-06-03: SwiftUI! Wow. So excited for this!

2019-06-03: I’m actually surprised they didn’t release an API for custom watch faces. Maybe next …

2019-06-02: Recipe sites have far too much narration and fluff. We hardboiled some eggs in our Instantpot and it …

2019-06-02: The fact that something like Monodraw exists in the world makes me very happy. My documentation and …

2019-06-01: Summer swimming fun. ☀️

2019-05-30: Currently reading: Ezekiel (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries) by John B. Taylor 📚

2019-05-30: Using the file system as a communications protocol between services is a pretty bad idea.

2019-05-29: European management is so much better than American management styles. — overcast.fm

2019-05-29: I am so excited that I’ll have a physical prayer book in a month’s time! The Book of …

2019-05-27: Summer! 🍔

2019-05-27: Homemade ice cream. 🍦 Summer has officially begun!

2019-05-26: I forgot how hot Alabama is. Amazing how big a difference two hours south makes!

2019-05-26: Forever blessed and thankful I get to hangout with these guys each and every day.

2019-05-23: Seriously Oxford Press?!?! $90 for an e-book?

2019-05-23: Tower has a right-click option to copy the branch name to the clipboard. 💚

2019-05-22: Writing T-SQL code is not my happy place.

2019-05-22: I turned on autocorrect for “ok” on my wife’s phone. I do not regret this.

2019-05-21: This is so true! This is the work God has called me to. — The Only Places on the Streets That …

2019-05-21: Sunday I preached on the Holy Table we share with the saints across time and space. — …

2019-05-18: At Arrington Vineyards and Rosemary has declared this her cookie rock. 😂

2019-05-17: What monster selects the light theme?!?

2019-05-15: A feminist tried to fail me out of divinity school. — Logs in the River of Discourse

2019-05-14: Official Graduation pictures have arrived. 🎓

2019-05-14: Salary alone is not sufficient to support developers. You must also provide them the tools they …

2019-05-14: I can’t believe it’s May and the heat had to come on! ❄️ ⛄️

2019-05-10: Lining up to walk!

2019-05-10: Six years ago, I promised Bishop McKendree I’d remain faithful to the faith he established in …

2019-05-09: So, it looks like I’ll be dropping Python for Scala here in the next month or so. What IDEs, tools, …

2019-05-09: I maybe went a little overboard on this month’s coffee order. ☕️

2019-05-08: I’m going to need this in VS Code. So cool! • Visual Studio Container Tools Extensions (Preview) - …

2019-05-04: Unsurprising. The Psalmist gives us lament and praise. Always a Psalm for an occasion or moment in …

2019-05-01: Mad props to Kafkian. It saved my bacon today after realizing the official Python client doesn’t …

2019-05-01: How am I just now learning that Jonathan Edwards owned slaves? Seems like something that should have …

2019-04-30: Scala is a contender, but it seems possibly too difficult for our very junior staff. Is Kotlin too …

2019-04-30: Real talk. Kafka seems to want to force you on to the JVM get to the full API. What’s the least bad …

2019-04-30: So done! VDS Assignment list is empty and will forever remain so!

2019-04-30: God willing, I just submitted my last academic assignment to VDS. Unless I royally borked this …

2019-04-28: I preached a thing. — Easter Peace be With You ⛪️

2019-04-28: Dollywood was incredibly crowded yesterday — two hours to get into the park! — but it was incredible …

2019-04-25: I’m not getting all the hate towards the NFL Draft. Like, I’m not a sportsball guy, but …

2019-04-21: There is no greater sermon than this. Christ is Risen! — St John Chrysostom’s Easter Sermon

2019-04-18: Anyone know of a good Python interop language? Python’s fine for scripting, but I hate writing …

2019-04-18: For me, this Wink outage is the final straw. Loved Wink while it worked, but the writing is on the …

2019-04-17: Come children, let nightmare clown teach you the colors…

2019-04-16: Notre Dame, for me, has been a visible indicator of the state of Christianity in the West. I knew we …

2019-04-14: I will note that Ælfric’s views of Jews is very “period appropriate.” It’s sad to see how that bit …

2019-04-14: Reading the sermons of Ælfric of Eynsham is a little mind blowing. Like, he could preach his sermon …

2019-04-11: Such a great interview with Ekemini Uwan. May God continue to bless her ministry! Pass the Mic

2019-04-09: Sunday I preached about wicked tenants, sons who are actually stones, and judgement. Give it a …

2019-04-08: So, “fun” VDS lecture. Hauerwas, Lindbeck, Milllbank and their schools of theology (narrative, …

2019-04-06: And, my first freely-selected post divinity school book is… Missa Est!: A Missional Liturgical …

2019-04-04: I just submitted my last essay of my MDiv. Man, this feels good! Three lectures and an exam and I go …

2019-04-04: Last essay of my MDiv and I’m still looking up how to cite something in the SBL Handbook. 🤦‍♀️

2019-04-03: People walked out of this? Lord, have mercy! This was amazing! www.youtube.com/watch

2019-04-03: Question: If there were a German language worship service in Nashville, would you be interested?

2019-04-02: “Daddy, I want black Cheerios.”

2019-04-01: Just finished by last mid-term. One essay (Friday) and a final (4 weeks) from being done! PRAISE THE …

2019-03-30: I know it’s all technically weeds, but I think they’re pretty. I love Tennessee in the spring.

2019-03-29: Seriously, people, don’t leave commented out code in your commits. Version control is your history.

2019-03-26: How long this “game” will continue to be fun, I do not know. We will enjoy it, however, while it …

2019-03-26: Now that I’m working from home 3-4 days a week, Daddy Status needed a more permanent place on my …

2019-03-25: Not to bash anyone’s churchmanship, but I am getting a little worried about now Anglican …

2019-03-23: Playing some quality music this morning. 🎵

2019-03-22: JSON Schema is so my jam now. Validation FTW!

2019-03-21: Who in Nashville knows a trustworthy, experienced babysitter? Jennifer and I really need one. …

2019-03-20: NIB 5.25” floppies found by my father-in-law. #retrocomputing

2019-03-19: So, I need ~1500 words for “Women, Psychology, and Religion.” Anyone know a shortish …

2019-03-17: I’m thankful for the ministry of St. Patrick. It took a few generations, but Arnalds have once again …

2019-03-13: Thanks for prayers! Done and passed. I’m two tests and an essay away from my MDiv!

2019-03-13: Defending this project here in a few minutes. Pray for me. 🙏 Seeking a Charitable Orthodoxy

2019-03-09: Such a good album. 🎶

2019-03-08: Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed art thou amongst women… #internationalwomensday

2019-03-08: So, inexpensive, wrinkle-free surplice; where do y’all buy them? #anglican

2019-03-05: So many pancakes about to happen in this kitchen!

2019-03-05: Shrove Tuesday! 🥞 And, then, tomorrow the great, wonderful, and holy season of Lent begins. For me …

2019-03-04: Inspired my last night’s American Idol, what my family is jamming to this morning. 🎶

2019-03-03: Great article. So many left behind in Nashville. — Hard Times at the Stadium Inn

2019-03-02: Rosemary (age 3): “Remeber, God created the earth and died on the cross and Mary cried.” — Thoughts …

2019-03-01: If you’re getting pylint errors in Pre-Commit for your Flask project, pylint v2.3.0 fixes the …

2019-02-28: So, my progressive classmates think Proverbs 31 is anti-woman. What are the best resources from the …

2019-02-27: This is an incredibly helpful summary of what went down at the UMC’s special General Conference this …

2019-02-26: I’m not UMC, but I’m on the edge of my seat to see how today goes. Could we see the first mainline …

2019-02-24: Y’all, Africa is a strong heart of the Church. I’m so thankful for the witness of my African …

2019-02-22: My first, pretty bad, piece of code. • The Magic Variable ‘count’

2019-02-21: One wonders whether when the dust settles […], there might be a genuine ecumenical koinonia, …

2019-02-20: When the Arnold women want tea after dinner, we do it right. ☕️

2019-02-20: It’s interesting to watch folk who intentionally moved to rural areas and continue to support low …

2019-02-18: As always, in a time of need, the Mississippi Mass Choir brings a word. With God’s help, I can make …

2019-02-18: Y’all, pray for me in my last weeks at VDS. I’m at my breaking point. 🙏

2019-02-17: Standing in this ancient tradition of English Catholicity each and every day is to be fed by …

2019-02-16: Y’all, this is seriously so good! Creation, Fall, Exodus, Exile, Messiah, and New Creation in a …

2019-02-16: ‘No Creed But the Bible’ Subverts the Bible • Better said: “The Three Creeds, Nicene Creed, …

2019-02-15: It’s happened. I’ve been so deep into Python I forgot a semicolon in some Perl code today. Lord, …

2019-02-10: Today I preached in a place that allows electronic devices. Give it a listen and, if you’re in East …

2019-02-08: I think one of the greatest feelings in software development is bringing an order to chaos.

2019-02-05: Reading Freud — don’t ask — I’m taken by how the Church became classified as the crazy ones contra …

2019-02-04: As a German-speaker, I read “Kinder Dating” very differently…

2019-02-03: Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ, et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus …

2019-02-03: A month into my “Women, Psychology, and Religion” course at VDS, I still haven’t found a more …

2019-01-29: I think this should be the official logo of Windows.

2019-01-28: Y’all, just a periodic reminder to contact me if you’ve got any 80s or 90s computers or handhelds …

2019-01-27: Dinosaurs!

2019-01-27: Happy Birthday Oliver!

2019-01-26: My top songs of 2018 on Spotify.

2019-01-24: Cron in Docker with Debian Slim

2019-01-23: When Debian says “slim” they mean it. No syslog!

2019-01-23: Anyone know if there’s a modern, ten key less version of the Model M or F keyboard? I’m getting …

2019-01-19: Adventures in Alabama

2019-01-15: Pre-commit is the bomb. Great way to enforce standards and ensure quality before code even hits the …

2019-01-15: Black (Python formatter) > Autopep 👨‍💻

2019-01-12: iOS auto suggestions has something to say about my theology. #theotokos

2019-01-11: At what point does this thing become “cute”?

2019-01-09: Does anyone know the current status of the ACNA “electronic” hymnal? I haven’t heard anything new …

2019-01-09: I bought an inexpensive mechanical keyboard, Velocifire TKLO1, for my office days. For $40 it isn’t …

2019-01-07: Chia Pets are gross.

2019-01-07: I’ve more or less automated getting our parish’s sermons online each week. — Automated Weekly Sermon …

2019-01-05: There is something especially perverse about patriotic Christmas themes.

2019-01-02: It looks like my last semester at VDS is going to be super “fun.” Lord, have mercy upon me!

2019-01-01: Maybe it’s the Christmas spirit, but I’m finding Ezekiel to be a wonderful, grace-filled …

2018-12-31: Anyone have experience using Scoop instead of Chocolately? Haven’t had great luck with the …

2018-12-29: Reading through Ezekiel this stood out to me. “Son of man, stand upon your feet, and I will …

2018-12-28: How Arnolds/Berrys do Christmas tea service.

2018-12-24: Son: bronchitis & double ear infection; Daughter: end of a cold; Wife: virus & sore throat …

2018-12-22: Service of the Word: Epiphany Advent Reflection You might not have realized it, but each Sunday at Epiphany we participate in two services, not just …

2018-12-19: This is so good! Lots to think on as I prepare to preach Mary’s Song tomorrow. • The Mary We Never …

2018-12-19: Ember Day Letter to Bishop ==> ✅

2018-12-19: “Advent, Vol. 1.” by The Brilliance is such a great Advent album! So good, I’m going to miss it come …

2018-12-15: Aldi’s Winking Owl cabernet drinks better than a three-dollar wine should. 🍷

2018-12-15: Mitch Miller and the Gang. Not bad, actually.

2018-12-15: I’m not a huge fan of “Mary, Did you Know,” but when my almost 3-year-old daughter is obsessed with …

2018-12-14: It’s avro.schema.parse in Python 2 but avro.schema.Parse in Python 3! Why?!?!?!?

2018-12-13: The GDP MicroPC looks really exciting to me. Small and affordable . — GPD MicroPC is a tiny $299 …

2018-12-13: Does Chocolately actually work for anyone? About 60% of the installs I do just fail. Not a Homebrew …

2018-12-13: Remember, remember your ember day letters!

2018-12-12: “Believe” in who or what? That is the question.

2018-12-12: But, it is pretty nice to have hardware that supports USB A devices without a dongle.

2018-12-12: How in the world does a PC laptop lose 60% of its battery when powered off sitting in a laptop bag …

2018-12-10: Only in America. 🇺🇸

2018-12-09: Tonight’s Christmas album. 🎺🎷🎼🇲🇽

2018-12-07: So, what’s a good, quiet mechanical keyboard for <$40? I’m getting the Laptop Pro for home, but …

2018-12-07: Sarum Rite Collect for Purity Deus, cui omne cor patet et omnis voluntas loquitur, et quem nullum latet secretum, purifica per …

2018-12-05: I’m excited to preach on Malachi tomorrow at jail. Advent themes of God’s wrath and judgement come …

2018-12-03: You know what I haven’t done since Friday at 4 o’clock? Worked or been contacted by work. It truly …

2018-12-02: Though I’m not a fan of the name — I’d like to at least get to keep Advent as a …

2018-12-01: The Arnold family Christmas tree has arrived.

2018-12-01: Python support in VS Code is really good. If you haven’t given it a try in a while, you really …

2018-11-29: After months and months of reading and work, I just turned in the final draft of my MDiv project. So …

2018-11-28: It’s been two long, late nights, but I’ve got ~7,000 words engaging ecumenical Eucharist services …

2018-11-23: “My family never owned slaves.” — “Slavery was long before anyone alive was born.” • This might be …

2018-11-23: New shortcut for sharing URLs to Pinboard with multiple tags. Pin URL with Tags

2018-11-22: May God bless you and your family as we close the year and approach the feast of Christ our King and …

2018-11-21: I’m loving Hug for 95% of my µ-service needs, but that 5% not covered in the very light docs are …

2018-11-21: Starting my morning off compiling Perl 5.18.2 on WSL Unbuntu, as you do. 🤓

2018-11-18: Behind Every Inflatable Santa is a Person with a Soul — This is something I must remind myself as …

2018-11-17: Any Python devs out there with experience using Hug to build micro-services? I’d love to know …

2018-11-16: Today is my first day back as a full-time software developer. I am beyond excited. Management was …

2018-11-13: Amazon adding IT jobs is going to be great for Nashville devs. — I hope all the tax incentives are …

2018-11-13: Amazon adding IT jobs is going to be great for Nashville devs. — I hope companies are paying …

2018-11-12: How I convert Word documents to Markdown while preserving footnotes. • Word to Markdown Conversion …

2018-11-11: A perfect Tennessee autumn dinner: grilled cheese and soup. 🍂

2018-11-10: The Christmas show at Dollywood was surprisingly good. Only theogical critique was Mary’s song …

2018-11-10: This is not how you restore Jesus to Christmas!

2018-11-07: MDiv Final Project Feedback If you have ~30 minutes of time, it would be greatly appreciated if you could read through the very …

2018-11-06: ”He finally came to see white Christians as the weaker sibling described by Paul in his letters to …

2018-11-04: The Thelio is looking very tempting. Is it time to give desktop Linux another try? Can I really …

2018-11-03: Why in the world does West Virginia have 88 octane?!?!

2018-11-02: Only through the introduction to Schillebeeckx’s “The Eucharist” and it’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 This is going to be …

2018-11-02: The Church of the Epiphany in East Nashville has finally arrived in Pittsburgh. I’ll be at …

2018-11-01: Preaching Psalm 13, Deut 6:4-9, and John 17:20-26 tonight. We’re going to confront hate with God’s …

2018-10-31: Happy Halloween from the Arnolds! 🎃

2018-10-30: Very excited to read this with a group of clergy people next month! 📚

2018-10-30: I’ve spent the last year with an iPad Pro. It is a truly great laptop replacement for me. Desktop …

2018-10-30: The new Mac mini gives me hope for a proper Mac Pro. I do wonder, however, what a mini with an eGPU …

2018-10-29: I registered for my final semester at Vanderbilt today. Only months to go! Praise God!

2018-10-29: “One time there was God and he was beautiful and sweet and kind.” - Rosemary Arnold, age 2

2018-10-28: Greek-speaking friends: Would οὔπω ὁλοτελεῖς (oupó holoteleis) work for “not yet complete/whole”?

2018-10-27: Nothing like fresh pumpkin seeds on a chilly fall day.