We’re not supposed to say this out loud, but the traditional roles of husband and wife smooth many of these wrinkles out. If she’s free to be a full time homemaker, evenings and weekends aren’t taken up with chores. If you only have one income, finances are always shared and money is less of a problem. In a traditional family it takes both husband and wife to make things work. Neither can exist without the other. This forces commitment, compromise, and builds trust. It requires sacrifice, for sure. You ain’t going to have as much money and fancy stuff. But, I wouldn’t trade all the time we have together enjoying being a family for the world. Saturdays are for fun. Evenings for relaxing. Mammon doesn’t get 100% of our time, so we’re not having to struggle to fit in the lost role of the homemaker to our schedules. — twitter.com/JoeCassan…