🚨⛪️🚨 Final announcement before I go Methodist and do something crazy and solo: Free — as in I don’t need any money — ordained & Vanderbilt trained chaplain and clergy person available for almost any ministry or context in Nashville. Please share if you know a ministry that might have interest! I know there are ministries in need, I’ve just been unsuccessful at connecting with them as yet.
I strongly encourage everyone to drop Chrome for another browser. I enjoy Firefox, but Brave is also a good choice. — Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
I’m enjoying the BCP 1662 International Edition. I can’t say I notice the language updates (them to those trips me up sometimes), but the typesetting and size are an improvement over my trusty Cambridge edition. Fitting state prayers are an added bonus.
Hope is not a software development approach.
Listen folk, if someone’s name is Michael you should not automatically shorten it to “Mike.”
Y’all, Fr. Esau & Fr. Jonathan are bringing the fire here. I’m done with Evangelical culture wars and want to have real ecumenical, Catholic conversations about justice from the Anglican tradition. — 20 Theses on Anglicans, Justice, and the Present Moment
This. I enjoy playing Civ 5 on Settler and doing the pacifist, cultural thing. It’s relaxing & I enjoy it. Civ 6 makes that basically impossible. The Pacifist’s Guide to Civilization 6
I just want to say how thankful I am for the City of Nashville, Metro Public Works, NES, and others. Through snow, ice, tornadoes, and bombs you’ve kept our infrastructure up and running. Thanks!
So, what’s the general consensus on amount of appropriate fade in a clergy shirt? — Back in my office jobs days, I’d wear shirts until the elbow wore out. I’m assuming it’s a good bit before that.
A great episode on management! Would that more would listen. — Modern Management Made Easy with Johanna Rothmann — Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman — Overcast
I’ve had this very same problem with my Series 3. I’ve had this problem since watchOS 6. In the end, Apple Watch updates weren’t compelling enough for me so I switched to a Withings watch when my Series 3 started dying. — My watchOS 7.3 adventure - All this
February 2020 Michael would not believe that he’d be trimming his beard every Sunday so that his mask would fit better.
Generic Colouriser is a great tool that I always seem to forget about. Does wonders with tail
. — GitHub - garabik/grc: generic colouriser
So, I did the Story Graph thing. I’m liking what I see thus far. Much quicker to use than Goodreads.
Vanderbilt Divinity made me lean towards a “no” on women’s ordination. Interaction on the topic in the ACNA makes me lean toward “yes.” — In the end, we need this division to cease. North American Anglicanism cannot afford another schism in my lifetime.
Open question: I made a working version of an app for LectServe last week. Seems lame to just have text which you can already get at the website. What features are y’all looking for in an ACNA lectionary app?
Y’all, how am I just now learning about M5Stack!?! These look so cool! — M5Stack - Modular Rapid ESP32 IoT Development Board - ESP32 dev kits– m5stack-store
Why do Windows users run all apps maximized?!?! Y’all, it’s called Windows. The point is to have many windows on your screen so you can multitask. 🤓
Also, if you ask me a question in French, my answer will be “Ja oui!” I can’t stop myself! This is why I’ll never be a polyglot.
“Je parle nur ein petit peu français.” — This, my friends, is why I’ll never be able to speak French. The German just keeps on getting mixed in!
Very pleased with my custom keyboard. Cherry MX Clears for alphanumeric and Browns on the rest. Was nervous about the green accents, but I really like them.
Important thoughts by my priest on all that is happening right now in the US. — Are We Now Christian Terrorists? — Thomas McKenzie
A lesson in why one should be careful about the social media sites one decides to join. — Parler’s amateur coding could come back to haunt Capitol Hill rioters | Ars Technica