This morning’s album selection: The Charlie Daniels Band 🎶

Y’all, IntelliJ is painful. Don’t have the time right now, but I’ve got to get Code or SublimeText configured for Java/Scala development.

Nativitas Domini: Mary, the mother of Christ

“Let us also be mindful of how great dignity is the holy maiden Mary, the mother of Christ: she is blessed above all women; she is the heavenly queen, and the comfort and support of all Christian men. […] Let us, therefore, with great fervour, pray to her, that she mediate for us to her own Child, who is both her Creator and her Son, true God and true man, one Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Father and with Holy Ghost, those three one God to all eternity. Amen.” — Ælfric of Eynsham, “Nativitas Domini”

“We should also honor Christ’s nativity and his birth-tide with ghostly joy, and adorn ourselves with good works, and busy ourselves with song of praise to God[…] — Ælfric of Eynsham, “Nativitas Domini”

“Christ would that many prophets, and also the heathen should announce his advent, and make known his course, that mankind might be the more believing, and the more certain in whom they should believe[…]” — Ælfric of Eynsham, “Nativitas Domini”

Yikes! Sleep aide for babies? Not sure this is a good idea. (But, I so understand the temptation!)

Y’all, LuLu is awesome. For $20 bucks I got “The Homilies of Ælfric” printed. So much better than the Google Books PDF! Will do again. (Though, I got the size wrong. Will do smaller next time. Size compared to Oxford Annotated Bible.)


I’ll be switching to the new Eero with HomeKit once it’s announced. Been using Unfi for the last few years, but it’s gotten bad. Had to downgrade firmware today to correct a DHCP issue.

So, it seems eGPUs on the Mac mini aren’t awful. (Especially for a casual gamer like myself.) I’m just annoyed Apple doesn’t make a “prosumer” tower. What I want is a head-less iMac with user-accessible HD, RAM, and GPU.

So don’t know what to do about a new computer now. What I need is a Mac Pro Mini that costs ~3-4k with a monitor. With the Mac Pro announced today, I think I’m going to have to get a Mac mini plus a PC for gaming. :-(

I’m actually surprised they didn’t release an API for custom watch faces. Maybe next year. #wwdc

Recipe sites have far too much narration and fluff. We hardboiled some eggs in our Instantpot and it was amazing. Here’s the recipe — and nothing else. The eggs peel so easily!

The fact that something like Monodraw exists in the world makes me very happy. My documentation and comments are about to get cranked up to 11!

Using the file system as a communications protocol between services is a pretty bad idea.

Homemade ice cream. 🍦 Summer has officially begun!

I forgot how hot Alabama is. Amazing how big a difference two hours south makes!

Forever blessed and thankful I get to hangout with these guys each and every day.

Tower has a right-click option to copy the branch name to the clipboard. 💚