Y’all, seriously, a week in to Advent this resource has been a game changer. My three-year-old has even started saying the responses. — Advent Family Prayer
“we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us”
This is what those in some Christian circles do not understand. The fight for social justice and against racism is a Christian fight. These are our sisters and brothers and we should be listening.
If you ever wanted to be my neighbor, now is your chance. 🏡
Interesting episode, but I’m extremely thankful I don’t create my own identity. Arnolds' identity is found in Jesus Christ which we took on in baptism. — Dan Martell — 2 Cent Dad Podcast
So, this is something incredibly useful I can say in Latin now…
German Advent Service. Y’all come visit! 16:00 at Memorial Lutheran! stmang.org
I wonder: How many other pastors have a Hazel job that calls Pandoc to create a large-font sermon manuscript automatically from Markdown? #word #sacrament #keyboard
Some brief thoughts about secular Christmas and Advent. — Advent: Always be Ready
I’m not sure what just happened in my living room floor, but I do not approve! Ken has some explaining to do!
Nashville has so much of this cookie-cutter architecture. (And we seem to only be building housing for rich people while driving long-time residents out.) — Restyling Blandmarks: Those Much Maligned Boxy Urban Condo Buildings | Urbanist
Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
Since the whole secular world starts Christmas months(!?!?!) early, it’s okay that I started listening to Advent music today, right? 😎
Black Friday is the most celebrated shopping festival throughout the year…
Behold, my friends, the God of commerce. — Best Black Friday Deals 2019
The Season of Light; A Great Family Advent-Wreath Resource — www.marmanold.com/2019/11/2…
Sometimes the phrases you’re learning in DuoLingo are a little odd.
No doubt the neighbors think we’re growing pot. Reality: Just trying to keep my wife’s succulents alive this winter.
So, turns out DBI has amazing trace functionality. Incredibly helpful for debugging SQL query issues. — DBI - Database independent interface for Perl - metacpan.org
“Summon help”?!? It makes it sound like you need a witch to make a calling circle to conjure a firefighter.
Is Amazon seriously using Ave Maria in a commercial? This is not okay! The Holy Theotokos is not yours to control! Her body is not yours to sell! She is the Holy Mother of the new creation and the vessel of the Incarnation! God have mercy!
Praise be to God for answering Rosemary’s prayer and increasing her faith! — He is a better father than I ever will be. I’m glad she is, in Baptism, his own forever.
Y’all. This is good stuff. Realizing of late how close English Catholics are to German Catholics. — Is Lutheranism the True Catholic Church? (and other stuff with a Lutheran Theologian) - YouTube
A Decade's Progress
“There’s only one month left in the decade. What have you accomplished?”
- Received Christ’s Free & Unmerited Offering of Salvation
- Left the Mormon Church
- Adopted as Christ’s own Forever in the Sacrament of Baptism
- Bought my first (and only) House.
- Started Divinity School at NTS
- Met the Love of my Life
- Left Full-time Development for Management
- Started Divinity School at VDS
- Married the Love of my Life
- Left the UMC for the ACNA
- Remodeled my House
- Became the Father of Rosemary
- Launched Lectserve
- Dover Deeper into Jail Chaplaincy
- Joined an East Nashville Church Plant
- Became the Father of Oliver
- Left Full-time Management for Development
- Graduated from VDS (M.Div.)
- Started St. Mang
Wanted: Mini/Pocketable BCP 2019 w/o Psalter, Episcopal Services, and Special Liturgies.
Bishop Hobby’s sermon at diocesan convention was really great! — bit.ly/2Q7xH4o