Arnolds are fine and safe after the explosion. The explosion rocked our house, but caused no damage. — With AT&T impacted we have had no Internet and limited cell service since yesterday morning. Occasional texts are our only communication method.

Once DNS records propagate overnight, I’ll be totally off AWS. It was interesting, but way too expensive. Netlify for my static sites and Linode for the rest made way more sense.

Y’all, I did not have repeatedly agreeing with Beth Moore on my 2020 bingo card.

I’m a little over doing ministry this way, but I’m thankful for sun and nice weather this afternoon.

Bonus 🔥: American Evangelicals are outside the catholic orthodoxy & orthopraxy of the majority of living Christians and the saints who have gone before us. It is their job to defend their heteropraxy, not the traditional catholic Christian traditions’.

Sharing some 🔥: Advent isn’t pre-Christmas, you aren’t a “high-church Evangelical” if you light some candles, and if you don’t think Martin Luther; John Calvin; or John Wesley were validly baptized you don’t have a Protestant theology.

I spent a whole week on a network without Pi-Hole. Y’all, the Internet is gross and everyone should have aPi-Hole at home.

So, I’ve been praying with ‘62 for the last week. I’m not sure I can go back to a modern prayer book. The beauty and simplicity of this book cannot be matched!

Thought: All “Christian" political figures should recite Matthew 25:31-46 before making any political statement or pronouncement. — If what you are about to say cannot hold up under the actual & present reigning kingship of Jesus Christ, you should not be saying it.

Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity

Anyone know of a KJV edition with modern(ish) commentary noting translation issues and language changes?

Idea: Skill that prevents Alexa from playing Christmas music before Christmas until you’ve prayed the general confession, two Our Fathers, and the Magnificat.

So, if all the seculars are going to start “Christmas” early, the only antidote is me starting Advent a little early, too. My Advent playlist is officially on and my soul is now at rest waiting for my savior’s return to judge the Earth.

I’m a little bummed about the 16gb RAM ceiling, but – baring bad reviews – I think I’m getting a Mac mini & building a lower-cost gaming PC. Should be a better compromise than my 2013 iMac w/ BootCamp has been.

My hopes for today are an ARM Mac mini-tower. I’d settle for an ARM Mac mini with user-serviceable memory and hard disk.

Leute, Leute, Leute! This is not a drill. Sie haben Augustiner-Bräu bei Woodland Wine Merchant! 🍺

Y’all, this really shouldn’t be news, but dehydration is a thing. I’ve started drinking at least 96oz of water a day since Monday and the results are remarkable. Drink more water!

Being engaged in the secular political is important. At the same time I am very happy that God sits on the throne and that Jesus will return. Come Lord Jesus, come.

Cool, cool. The perfect Logos 9 package for me will only cost about ~$4k. 🤦‍♂️ — This, my friends, is why I stick to dead trees from used book stores for my library.

The virus has made this difficult, but you can be assured, the second Virginia’s godmother, grandparents, and church family can all safely come together, she will be baptized. — Why do Anglicans Baptize Babies?

…”Let the children come to me [Jesus], and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 19:14 (RSV)