Grilled watermelon. Interesting, but I will not do it again. 🍉

Grilled watermelon. Interesting, but I will not do it again. 🍉
The little green grill is ready for some hamburger action.
Elder’s on Gallatin is my happy place.
Prayer is not opposed to change. Pray for good governance. Pray for wise leaders. Pray for peace. And, above all, pray for a willingness to lay aside our own desires for the sake of others. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers!
Happy signs of growth in the garden. 🌱
Christ our Anchor Anglican Mission — Good name? Bad name? Suggestions?
“Love is God. God is good.” — Rosemary Arnold
Hot Dogs, strawberry wine, and 90 degrees. The Arnolds declare summer! ☀️
Okay gardening folks, what am I doing wrong? Why are all my leaves turning yellow? Too much water? Too little sun? Should have fertilized earlier? 🌱
Has anyone done this bit of the journey to Geodis Stadium on a bike? Seems like dedicated & protected bike lanes on 4th and Wedgewood would do an immense amount of good for the city.
I’m getting excited about the growth I’m about to see in the garden over the next several days! 🌱
The conversation around abortion deeply saddens me. Christians have allowed secular, political talking points to guide a deeply theological conversation. This is not a conversation about individual “rights” or laws written by men. This is a conversation about the very nature of God and his creation. God became man “and dwelt among us.” The Incarnation and Resurrection change everything. Lord, have mercy!
“Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The abortion conversation saddens me. Christians have allowed secular arguments to guide the theological. It is not about individual “rights” or the laws of men. It is about the very nature of God. God became man! The Incarnation and Resurrection change everything.
Turns out our system of government is a federal republic. Not sure why some people are shocked by this.
I’m getting a little misty-eyed thinking about how amazing it was taking my little boy to the game today. I’m not a perfect father, but I’m so happy I get to father him. I pray he always knows how beloved he is to me.
No one else I’d rather share the opening game with. ⚽️
So, I’ve been doing some searching on squirrel repellent products recently which, somehow, has convinced the algorithm that I need a chicken xylophone. 🤷♂️
Given world events it’s a bit dampened, but I am still excited to see Nashville SC back on the pitch tonight. #todosunidos
Finished reading: Male and Female by Jonathan Petzold 📚
So, at this point if we’ve been going to church, Bible studies, school, and ballet we’ve totally had COVID, right? We’ve been sick a few times, but always tested negative. 3/5 are vaxed, so I assume we just had false negatives. 🤷♂️
”That boy that I like looks like Oliver, but I still like him.”
—Rosemary Arnold
(Oliver is her brother.)
Finished reading: The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell, Ph.D. 📚
Oliver: “Alexa, play Street Sweeper by Blippi.”
Alexa: “Playing Sweet Stripper.”
This ATS survey is difficult. It’s like, for an Anglican, pretty darn conservative. From a Baptist or Evangelical perspective? Moderate to progressive?
How, after over a decade in Nashville, am I just now finding out about AM 760, The Gospel?!?! Gospel music and good preaching? For free! On the radio?!?