Order my steps in thy word, and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me. Ps 119:133

This Talkative is not aware of; he thinks that hearing and saying will make a good Christian, and thus he deceiveth his own soul. Hearing is but as the sowing of the seed; talking is not sufficient to prove that fruit is indeed in the heart and life; and let us assure ourselves, that at the day of doom men shall be judged according to their fruits. It will not be said then, Did you believe? but, Were you doers, or talkers only? and accordingly shall they be judged.

The Pilgrim’s Progress

Virgin & the Holy Child and Charles Wesley. This is how we roll in the Arnold home: Reformed, Catholic, and Methodist. — The full expression of English Christianity.

If you’ve got children, you should get this book and read it to them every few months. It’s a great, age-appropriate, and approachable way to casually talk about safety with smaller children.

Currently reading: Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos 📚— Just finished chapter 4. Such an odd and wonderful book! I’m not entirely certain what all is going on, but I have deep sympathy for the priest and relate to his struggles among his village.

Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once, but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Rom 6:9-11

It’s often easy online the feel “less than” because you don’t read enough theology. I found this quote from The Diary of a Country Priest encouraging. — Eat of theology, yes, but do not feast while others starve.

Jesus saith unto him, “Feed my sheep.”

Doing things a day early here because tomorrow, we fast!

It’s super interesting what’s still possible on an N64. Amazing what maths and long study can achieve. People are pretty cool. youtu.be/xwls5SpNn…

Moving to a paper calendar and task list has been a game changer for me. I’ve never been this on top of my life and so clear on what needs to be done.

As a child of God, each person is entitled to enjoy the goodness of the Creator’s world, but is also charged with the responsibility to cultivate it to bring forth God’s good gifts. For many poor people, the good intentions of the affluent have robbed them of the privileges that are their birthright and frustrated their attempts to take responsibility in the Father’s good creation.

Why Economic Freedom & Opportunity Ease Poverty

The challenge, however, is to wed this compassion to action that works. The poor don’t need what they often receive from the affluent: secondhand clothes, free Thanksgiving meals and taxpayer-funded government aid. The poor, whether in the developed or developing world, need opportunity. They need the freedom to address their own poverty in their own context.

Why Economic Freedom & Opportunity Ease Poverty

I’m “really enjoying this playlist” years old. 🇫🇷 🥖⚜️🍷

So, curious, how many other ministries or parishes are using the 2019 TLE? Am I the only one?

My absolute favorite subject at our homeschool co-op is cooking. I love “reviewing” our children’s work. 👨‍🍳