I don’t want to speak too soon, but I’m liking our aggressive stance against Iran. ⚽️
I didn’t even need to open this to know it was a bad idea.
Finished reading: Under Authority by Christopher Hoyt 📚
Try as I might, I always seem to find myself in this situation by December. Need to wrap up books in progress so I can dive into new reading in January!
I still can’t believe I’m watching a Nashville player in the World Cup!
Starting my Advent playlist a few days early.
So excited that Oliver is old enough for these now. I can’t wait for him to open it!
So, how’s my day going?
I can’t exactly but a finger on it, but ever since I’ve been a Christian secular “Christmas” makes me depressed in a way secular “Easter” doesn’t. - Maybe it’s the fact that Yule is so hard to escape. Decorations, music, parties are more intense than some eggs and bunnies.
Currently reading: Under Authority — Practicing Submission in a Rebellious by Christopher Hoyt 📚
Observation: Most of my Twitter was RSS feeds I was too lazy to follow. Fixed that this morning.
Exciting news! I’ve earned “piggy points!” 🐖
This Darrel Brooks trial is wild. So sad to see how incapable he is of remorse. He has nosympathy towards others and can only think about himself. Jail is the best place for him to wait for God’s judgement. youtu.be/lJ9U28ODE…
Judgement, death, hell, and heaven - These last things are not to be feared by those in Christ. In him we have the hope that evil will be judged, the weak will be made whole, and the whole creation will again shine. - O Come, O come Emmanuel! #advent
Christ the King 👑 and then Advent 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ - Against the claims of the November election, Jesus reigns. Contra the exploitation & consumerism of the “holidays”, I await my king’s judgement against evil and his New Creation.
Man, the ending of Mark is just great. I say it every time, but Mark is my favorite gospel.
Is it just me, or do a lot of “elder millennials” seem to be getting tattoos here recently?
On Sunday I preached about Zacchaeus, computer programmers, and who Jesus gives salvation to. — www.marmanold.com/sermon/di…
We can’t properly feast without first experiencing the fast. So much of the culture wants to rush to the feast. We can’t experience the full joy of Christmas and Easter without Advent and Lent.
So, I haven’t travelled for work in a million years. If you’ve got one of those carry-on garment bags are you also allowed to have a person item (e.g. a small laptop bag)? - I’m trying to avoid checking luggage.
For neither has the evil intent of human art misled us, nor the fruitless toil of painters, a figure stained with varied colors, whose appearance arouses yearning in fools, so that they desire the lifeless form of a dead image.
This was fun. Pre Route-66 trip, I realize I hadn’t travelled the US much. I want to hit New England and the Pacific Northwest next. tenpages.github.io/us-level/…
Lord, grant me the patience of the judge in the Darrell Brooks trial. She has nerves of steel! I’d be losing my mind dealing with all of that.
Fact: That’s not how the English constitution works.
I looked at my ballot for the upcoming election. Depressing. I wish the parties would moderate and put less radical candidates.