Duolingo has me super confused about sum and est. I’ve been hoping the exercises would make it clear, but I think I’m going to have to get a Latin primer to supplement.
Follow-up on Anglican Eschatology:
- History and Eschatology by NT Wright
- The Coming of God by Jurgen Moltmann
I’m liking what I’m seeing in the American Solidarity Party’s platform. — Is it possible for a valid third-party to emerge in America?
Teil es Weit und Breit!: Ökumenische Sankt-Magnusgemeinde; Erster Gottesdienst 3. November 16:00 bei Memorial Lutheran East Nashville — Weitere Information kommt bald.
Y’all, the Duolingo Latin course is pretty fun. I should probably be focusing my efforts on Church Greek, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Seriously, God bless the people who put family restrooms places.

I love the Avette Brothers so much! Bang Bang 🚫🔫
Seriously, this would be my dream car. — Volkswagen will help turn old Beetles and microbuses electric - The Verge
So, Anglicans, what’s the best book to read on eschatology? I run in a lot of evangelical circles and need a clearer understanding on apocalypses in Scripture.
Riddle me this: On 9/2 I cycled ~10 miles pulling 50lbs of children behind me. No green ring. On 9/3 I mowed the lawn for 45 minutes. Full ring. What goes into this “exercise” calculation that I’m not getting?
Wow! I can’t believe this is happening. Good for Wal-Mart. — Walmart ending all handgun ammunition sales, asks customers not to openly carry guns
I preached a sermon about our call to the common life as Christians. Give it a listen.
This is a really great album. 🎶

This, I believe, constitutes a hostile work environment.

I was struck this morning studying Ezekiel 37 with my Bible study group. Ezekiel 37 so clearly announces the Incarnation and bodily resurrection. God’s answer to exile (from Israel and from him) is to take on humanity and forever redeem it. Thanks be to God!
You know, at times it’s almost as if corporate security actively seeks out ways to make developers unhappy at their jobs. You trust me to write, deploy, and monitor the software that runs your business, but not to correctly use my workstation?!?!
I’m troubled by this response. We too easily separate Church and state. — A Sloppy Attack on National Conservatism - Bradford Littlejohn - First Things
Y’all, I’m preaching Sunday and — given our lectionary readings for next week — my sermon will involved food. lectserve.com/html/sund…
I enjoy my fancy summer coffees. ☕️

To answer my own question, the Lord’s Prayer was “modernized” from the English tradition used in 1662 and elsewhere with the first American BCP in 1789.
The RSV is an underrated translation. I’ve been using it near-exclusively for the last year and I’ve really enjoyed it.
So, I’ve started on occasion to pray the morning office from 1662. I’ve noticed the Lord’s Prayer in 1662 is different from the “traditional language” prayer we all use in American Anglicanism, Methodism, etc. Does anyone know why this is?
”Freu dich über all das Gute, das der Herr, dein Gott, dir schenkt — und allen, die zu dir gehören! Teile deine Freude auch mit dem Leviten und dem Fremden, der bei dir lebt!” (5. Mose 26:11)
Hör gut zu! Wir teilen unsere Freude mit Bürger und Fremden gleich!
Follow-up review: In the month and a half since I finished Atomic Habits I’ve successfully started and maintained a new morning routine of prayer, reading, and writing. James’ gradual approach to establishing new habits does work.