Fathers Day with one of my top soccer buddies. ⚽️

In today’s collect, we ask God for his grace to help us keep his commandments. I am thankful God has answered this in my life through the examples of the fathers in my life. Thank you for your steadfast examples and faithfully answering God’s call to fatherhood in your lives.

Lots of articles in the Tennessean telling folk where to drive post Roe. — I’m begging you, don’t abort! Please contact me. We’ll pay prenatal expenses and adopt your baby. And, we’re not alone, so many families are ready to love your baby.

Article on CNN. Notice the order of the flags. — Sexual “liberation” and personal pleasure is elevated above the needs of the poor and oppressed. It is rightly declared un-Catholic.

I really wish professional sports would stay out of politics. I just want to watch a game. The only “pride” I have is for my team. Can we just enjoy soccer?

Noticing that many traditionally teetotaler denominations are dropping that dietary restriction de facto. Has there been a theological debate on this? Have denominations revisited theology or are they letting it just fade away unspoken?

It has been six years since sweet little Rosemary was “made regenerate by the Holy Spirit” and “sealed […] and marked as Christ’s own forever.” — God is doing a mighty work in her life and I am so thankful he is allowing me to play a small part in it!

I just caught up on three weeks of the Tennessean. The op-Ed’s by faith leaders on abortion were truly depressing. Y’all, Jesus defeated death. The Good News is that God’s kingdom has overturned the rule of Death and ushered in a new age of abundant life!

What Bible translation am I not using, but should? — Using Revised New Jerusalem for May & June, but want to switch it up in July.

Grilled watermelon. Interesting, but I will not do it again. 🍉

The little green grill is ready for some hamburger action.

Prayer is not opposed to change. Pray for good governance. Pray for wise leaders. Pray for peace. And, above all, pray for a willingness to lay aside our own desires for the sake of others. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers!

Christ our Anchor Anglican Mission — Good name? Bad name? Suggestions?

“Love is God. God is good.” — Rosemary Arnold

Hot Dogs, strawberry wine, and 90 degrees. The Arnolds declare summer! ☀️

Okay gardening folks, what am I doing wrong? Why are all my leaves turning yellow? Too much water? Too little sun? Should have fertilized earlier? 🌱

Has anyone done this bit of the journey to Geodis Stadium on a bike? Seems like dedicated & protected bike lanes on 4th and Wedgewood would do an immense amount of good for the city.

I’m getting excited about the growth I’m about to see in the garden over the next several days! 🌱

Sadness in Christian Conversation

The conversation around abortion deeply saddens me. Christians have allowed secular, political talking points to guide a deeply theological conversation. This is not a conversation about individual “rights” or laws written by men. This is a conversation about the very nature of God and his creation. God became man “and dwelt among us.” The Incarnation and Resurrection change everything. Lord, have mercy!

“Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

The abortion conversation saddens me. Christians have allowed secular arguments to guide the theological. It is not about individual “rights” or the laws of men. It is about the very nature of God. God became man! The Incarnation and Resurrection change everything.