”He finally came to see white Christians as the weaker sibling described by Paul in his letters to the Romans and Corinthians.” — For White Christians Who Keep Supporting the President Despite Most Other Christians Asking Them to Reconsider
The Thelio is looking very tempting. Is it time to give desktop Linux another try? Can I really leave macOS X behind? Thelio - System76
Why in the world does West Virginia have 88 octane?!?!
Only through the introduction to Schillebeeckx’s “The Eucharist” and it’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 This is going to be a good read!
The Church of the Epiphany in East Nashville has finally arrived in Pittsburgh. I’ll be at convention all day tomorrow. Pittsburgh Anglicans, give me a shout so we can meet. Awesome to see so many Anglicans in real life!
Preaching Psalm 13, Deut 6:4-9, and John 17:20-26 tonight. We’re going to confront hate with God’s eternal triune love, celebrate a baptism, and go out into the world to bravely reject hate and fear. Lord, have mercy.
Happy Halloween from the Arnolds! 🎃
Very excited to read this with a group of clergy people next month! 📚
I’ve spent the last year with an iPad Pro. It is a truly great laptop replacement for me. Desktop for work and gaming. iPad for reading and communicating.
The new Mac mini gives me hope for a proper Mac Pro. I do wonder, however, what a mini with an eGPU looks like for the simple games I play. eGPU supported under Windows? Upgradable?
I registered for my final semester at Vanderbilt today. Only months to go! Praise God!
“One time there was God and he was beautiful and sweet and kind.” - Rosemary Arnold, age 2
Greek-speaking friends: Would οὔπω ὁλοτελεῖς (oupó holoteleis) work for “not yet complete/whole”?
Nothing like fresh pumpkin seeds on a chilly fall day.