For August, I’ll be doing OT readings from New English Translation of the Septuagint. I’m still undecided on what I’ll try for NT.

The month of July has been spent with the NET Bible with full notes. The notes are fun. I’m surprised it’s not more popular with Baptists and other evangelicals.

Ich kann es nicht glauben! Bier aus Kloster Andechs ist zu verkaufen in Nashville! 🍻 🇩🇪

In some shower thinking yesterday I realized there’re folk who are super against animal shelters that euthanize but very pro-abortion. Mind blowing combination when you think about it!

Excited to see something other than tomatoes growing in the garden. We’re about to have a lot of cucumbers!

If you know of anyone in an emergency situation or who is looking for a loving family for their child: The Arnold’s are home studied and prepared to take another baby boy into our home at a moment’s notice. 👶

As many of y’all know, we’ve spent the last two week involved in an emergency adoption situation that has now fallen through. — We’re sad, but God has used this opportunity to prepare our home to adopt sooner than we’d planned. 👶

The last few weeks have made me, more than I already was, grateful for those who gave up so much and worked so hard to bring the ACNA to fruition. — Our province has its warts, but I am thankful for clear cannons, faithful bishops, and courageous clergy.

Prayers appreciated today. I can’t give full details, yet, but a lot of decisions happening today that can completely change the lives of a lot of people. Praying for God’s guidance and that he makes the way clear before us.

I want to believe that fraternities could be a positive thing, but even this frat — that sounds admirable — still just doesn’t sit right to me. Seems like it’s trying to fill the rightful role of the church.…

Her mom had know her for months, but two years ago I met my sweet Virginia. I know no other person so full of God’s joy. She brings so much happiness into my life. Happy birthday little Virginia!

Praise God! And on the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, too! — Let us rejoice in the lives that will be saved, deepen our commitment to life from womb to tomb, and continue to love our neighbors and enemies.

I am in the early stages of forming a community in East Nashville that can live the kingdom life together. We aren’t a parish, but a community living out our weekly call to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.” Please, contact me if you are interested in learning more.

Fathers Day with one of my top soccer buddies. ⚽️

In today’s collect, we ask God for his grace to help us keep his commandments. I am thankful God has answered this in my life through the examples of the fathers in my life. Thank you for your steadfast examples and faithfully answering God’s call to fatherhood in your lives.

Lots of articles in the Tennessean telling folk where to drive post Roe. — I’m begging you, don’t abort! Please contact me. We’ll pay prenatal expenses and adopt your baby. And, we’re not alone, so many families are ready to love your baby.

Article on CNN. Notice the order of the flags. — Sexual “liberation” and personal pleasure is elevated above the needs of the poor and oppressed. It is rightly declared un-Catholic.

I really wish professional sports would stay out of politics. I just want to watch a game. The only “pride” I have is for my team. Can we just enjoy soccer?

Noticing that many traditionally teetotaler denominations are dropping that dietary restriction de facto. Has there been a theological debate on this? Have denominations revisited theology or are they letting it just fade away unspoken?

It has been six years since sweet little Rosemary was “made regenerate by the Holy Spirit” and “sealed […] and marked as Christ’s own forever.” — God is doing a mighty work in her life and I am so thankful he is allowing me to play a small part in it!