JSON Schema is so my jam now. Validation FTW!
Who in Nashville knows a trustworthy, experienced babysitter? Jennifer and I really need one. #nashville
NIB 5.25” floppies found by my father-in-law. #retrocomputing
So, I need ~1500 words for “Women, Psychology, and Religion.” Anyone know a shortish book/essay from an orthodox source on Mary, feminism, etc.? At this point, I think I’m just going to reflect on the Magnificat as a counter to systematic sin.
I’m thankful for the ministry of St. Patrick. It took a few generations, but Arnalds have once again been baptized into Christ’ one holy catholic and apostolic church. ☘️ (It got a little touch and go for while when we arrived in America.)
Thanks for prayers! Done and passed. I’m two tests and an essay away from my MDiv!
Defending this project here in a few minutes. Pray for me. 🙏 Seeking a Charitable Orthodoxy
Such a good album. 🎶
Hail Mary, full of grace, blessed art thou amongst women… #internationalwomensday
So, inexpensive, wrinkle-free surplice; where do y’all buy them? #anglican
So many pancakes about to happen in this kitchen!
Shrove Tuesday! 🥞 And, then, tomorrow the great, wonderful, and holy season of Lent begins. For me it truly is, 🎶 “the most wonderful time of the year.” 🎶
Inspired my last night’s American Idol, what my family is jamming to this morning. 🎶
Great article. So many left behind in Nashville. — Hard Times at the Stadium Inn
Rosemary (age 3): “Remeber, God created the earth and died on the cross and Mary cried.” — Thoughts eating a Frosty at Wendy’s.
If you’re getting pylint errors in Pre-Commit for your Flask project, pylint v2.3.0 fixes the problem. 🐍
So, my progressive classmates think Proverbs 31 is anti-woman. What are the best resources from the Christian tradition to counter this view?
This is an incredibly helpful summary of what went down at the UMC’s special General Conference this week.
I’m not UMC, but I’m on the edge of my seat to see how today goes. Could we see the first mainline denomination hold the orthodox line on human sexuality? Would the bishops actually enforce the discipline? Will the progressives remain and continue to make life painful?
Y’all, Africa is a strong heart of the Church. I’m so thankful for the witness of my African brothers and sisters. It is a shame my VDS peers would call this man a bigot. — African United Methodists Won’t Trade Bible for Dollars - Juicy Ecumenism
My first, pretty bad, piece of code. • The Magic Variable ‘count’
One wonders whether when the dust settles […], there might be a genuine ecumenical koinonia, if not formal union, of Methodists and Anglicans […] as a part of the one holy, catholic and apostolic church.
When the Arnold women want tea after dinner, we do it right. ☕️
It’s interesting to watch folk who intentionally moved to rural areas and continue to support low property taxes (and thus poorer infrastructure) complain when the lack of said infrastructure causes flooding, etc.
As always, in a time of need, the Mississippi Mass Choir brings a word. With God’s help, I can make it to May. — Hold on Soldier