Sarum Rite Collect for Purity

Deus, cui omne cor patet et omnis voluntas loquitur, et quem nullum latet secretum, purifica per infusionem Sancti Spiritus cogitationes cordis nostri, ut te perfecte diligere et digne laudare mereamur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Qui tecum vivit et regnat, in unitate ejusdem Spiritus Sancti, per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.

I’m excited to preach on Malachi tomorrow at jail. Advent themes of God’s wrath and judgement come together with the realization that he’s adopting us as his daughters and sons.

You know what I haven’t done since Friday at 4 o’clock? Worked or been contacted by work. It truly doesn’t have to be crazy at work.

Though I’m not a fan of the name — I’d like to at least get to keep Advent as a Christian religious season — I’m going to give the Advent of Code a try this year. My solutions will be here on GitHub.

It’s been two long, late nights, but I’ve got ~7,000 words engaging ecumenical Eucharist services from an Anglican perspective. ~300 words more of a conclusion will have to wait until tomorrow. So nice to see months of work almost done!

“My family never owned slaves.” — “Slavery was long before anyone alive was born.” • This might be true, but your grandma lived in an America where these brands and products were common place.

May God bless you and your family as we close the year and approach the feast of Christ our King and his Advent. 🦃

I’m loving Hug for 95% of my µ-service needs, but that 5% not covered in the very light docs are moving me towards Flask. That automated, built-in documentation though…

Starting my morning off compiling Perl 5.18.2 on WSL Unbuntu, as you do. 🤓

Any Python devs out there with experience using Hug to build micro-services? I’d love to know what you think about it.

Today is my first day back as a full-time software developer. I am beyond excited. Management was the worst! 👨‍💻

Amazon adding IT jobs is going to be great for Nashville devs. — I hope all the tax incentives are also good for other Nashvillians, but I suspect they are not.

Amazon adding IT jobs is going to be great for Nashville devs. — I hope companies are paying attention to Silicon Valley benefits, etc. Competition is about to heat up majorly in the Nashville market.

A perfect Tennessee autumn dinner: grilled cheese and soup. 🍂

The Christmas show at Dollywood was surprisingly good. Only theogical critique was Mary’s song mid-way. Mary definitely didn’t need two men to convince her it was okay. “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

This is not how you restore Jesus to Christmas!

The Thelio is looking very tempting. Is it time to give desktop Linux another try? Can I really leave macOS X behind? Thelio - System76