What I'm Telling my Kids about Santa Claus

St. Nicolas is the patron saint of children. He sits in heaven and prays to God for all children. It is his special desire from God to get to know all children so he can pray extra special for each and every one. He works with Mommy & Daddy to make sure you get gifts to remind you of the ultimate gift: God becoming human in Jesus to save us all from death and the Devil. It’s fun to pretend and imagine magical things. The universe is a very big place and we serve a very big God. There’s more magic and amazing things than we can even know or understand. So, there’s a lot we don’t know about saints, angels, and the Kingdom of Heaven.

Over time, people have added some extra stories about St. Nicolas and started to shorten his name to Santa Claus. People who aren’t Christians, especially, like to imagine things about Santa Claus and make big stories about him. They do this because their soul knows they are missing something big in the universe; God. We don’t make fun of these people or tell them the stories they tell about St. Nicolas aren’t true. It’s fun to pretend. We pray for them and point them to the biggest story; Jesus. We ask St. Nicolas to pray for these people, too, especially children. We pray that God would send his Holy Spirit to all people in a special way that they would come to know the God who is with us, Immanuel, Jesus the Christ.

I’m trying not get my hopes up, but Thread & Matter are looking really great. — I’m pondering switching off Hue & SmartThings (Zigbee & Z-wave) to a unified Thread & Matter setup in the spring.

Deeply saddened to hear that King Charles might be crowned the defender of the faiths rather than the defendor of the faith. — What a tragic thing to do for someone named after that great defender of the faith & martyer, Charles I.

My children discovered this song on Alexa. I guarantee it is not what you expect, but it is now one of their top hits.

Every time I do open enrollment I’m more radicalized against how the US does health care. — I know no system is perfect, but there are surely other systems we could agree on with less downsides.

Ecobee feature request: Setting to add a display temperature offset. — I’m pretty sure if the thermostat said it was 72 instead of 68, my family wouldn’t complain.

I must say, I wish our coaching staff would dress up a bit. Let’s not play into American stereotypes.

Yeah… Let’s not make “It’s Called Soccer” our thing. — That said, USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸 ⚽️

Is anyone running their full website on Micro.blog? I’m seriously considering it for my upcoming mission church. — As long as I can figure out how to customize the landing page, I think it’d be the simplest way to post simple blog updates and get a sermon podcast going.

As folk move away from the bird, Micro.blog is becoming such an awesome place. I realize how nice it is to have no reposting, no likes, no pressure. I love the limited integration with the Fediverse. I love bird-like things filtered into this lovely place.

Zimmerman! So proud. Great game. Excited for the next round. ⚽️

I don’t want to speak too soon, but I’m liking our aggressive stance against Iran. ⚽️

I didn’t even need to open this to know it was a bad idea.

Try as I might, I always seem to find myself in this situation by December. Need to wrap up books in progress so I can dive into new reading in January!

I still can’t believe I’m watching a Nashville player in the World Cup!

So excited that Oliver is old enough for these now. I can’t wait for him to open it!

I can’t exactly but a finger on it, but ever since I’ve been a Christian secular “Christmas” makes me depressed in a way secular “Easter” doesn’t. - Maybe it’s the fact that Yule is so hard to escape. Decorations, music, parties are more intense than some eggs and bunnies.