Beauty of the Catholic Faith

The beauty and genius of the (English) Catholic faith is this: with the same words peasant, plumber, accountant, and Queen are baptized, married, and buried. The Queen prays the same morning office as me, my children, and her father before her. How strong a witness of our oneness in Christ, the reality of His kingdom already established on earth, and a reminder to live in His kingdom now. In plague, in death, in new life, in the mundaneness of daily existence, the words and prayers of the Church sustain our faith and enrich our spirit.

He baptized my daughters. He helped when I struggled in the UMC and at VDS. He gave words to so many of my feelings around current events. He will be missed. I rejoice that Father Thomas and the entire communion of saints are present with and in Christ at the Eucharist!

“If Jesus' Incarnation, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Return are not relevant, or did not need to take place for the sermon to be true, then I won’t preach it.” - Fr. Thomas

This tip on preaching is always at the front of my mind when I’m preaching. R.I.P., Father.

I’m not throwing a tantrum, it’s called a crying.

Rosemary Arnold, 17. Aug 2021

Anyone have any idea what these are? Showed up this morning on every metal surface of our patio. I’m just going to spray a broad spectrum insecticide at lunch because I’m not sure what else to do. 🐜 🐛 🕷

It’s starting to look like I need to go back to masking when doing ministry at the shelter. This makes me incredibly sad. I hate the barrier between me and people. I’m frustrated that the pace of vaccination has brought us here. 😷

There’re a lot of people walking around thinking God hates them because of their addictions. Y’all, be salt and light. The man slumped over on the sidewalk doesn’t need your judgement; he needs to know God’s unfathomable love for him.

What one book would y’all recommend for a pastor seeking to better understand and minister to addiction (specifically to substances)? 📚

In the Year of our Lord 2021 wireless printing should not be this difficult! We have the technology!

Excited to proclaim the Bread of Life come down from heaven here in a few minutes! 🍞

Scanning in Rosemary’s school journal. What a world we live in!

Oliver: “Give me a napkin.” Me: Shaking my head. “What’s the magic word?” Oliver: Waving his arms. “Magic, magic, give me a napkin.” Me: 🤦‍♂️

AT&T decided to remove my Unifi router from DMZ+ last night. So, yeah, if your network suddenly stops working, start looking there instead of DNS, etc., etc.

Are there any places where one can purchased reasonably-priced used communion-ware? After my — God willing — ordination to the priesthood, I’d like to get at least a chalice and paten for St. Mang and my other ministries.

Update: Thanks for the advice! Clergy shirt was the correct choice.

Clergy friends: If you were meeting a Roman priest for lunch on a Saturday to talk about homeless ministry and some common folk you’re ministering to, would you wear your clergy shirt?

Deo Volente, The Right Revered Martyn Minns, Interim Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh will ordain Michael Wayne Arnold to the Sacred Order of Priesthood on the Eighth Saturday after Pentecost, July 24th at 2p.

She’s smiling because she’s regenerate and born anew of Water and of the Holy Ghost and made Christ’s own forever. 💦🕊

I’ve never been a big watcher of the Euros, but it sure does seem there are a lot of own goals this year. Is this normal? ⚽️ 🥅