Tennessee folk, today is the day to winterize your faucets! ❄️

Realtime follow-up. Wife and I turned around to talk about Rugrats. Five seconds later, Oliver was somehow on top of the table. We got our own Tommy Pickles!

Watching Rugrats with the kids. Totally different experience now that I identify with the parents. Show still holds up!

Church folk: Adobe Spark is amazing for social media stuff! Saves me loads of time each week. Highly recommend.

This account stands with asking other Christians, dead or alive, to pray for us. — St. George, ora pro nobis. Mom, ora pro nobis. Mother Mary, ora pro nobis.

Warum haben deutsche Bibeln größtenteils festen Einband?

So, based what I’m seeing on social (and non) media, I’m going to need to stay up and listen to Kanye West’s new album after the kids go to bed. 🎶

As a father I’m quite proud at how worn Rosemary’s St. Joseph’s Bible is. 💚

Fifty days of Latin on DuoLingo! I’m proud of myself for starting and sticking with this!

I watched 9 to 5 for the first time the other day. What a funny little movie! Not at all what I expected. 🎬

Thor Mirchandani’s article on fully homomorphic encryption in The Hacker Quarterly has me thinking about how you might use that with Kafka and micro services. Would be cool to have services acting upon events that are never decrypted. 🤔

Seit 3 Monate, stehe ich jeden Tag um 5 Uhr auf. Ich bete, Twittere, lese, und lerne Latein. Was früher ganz anstrengend war ist jetzt „meine Zeit.” Jeden Tag beginnt ruhig mit mir, meinen Gott, and Kaffee. Wunderschön. — Morgenroutine

Y’all, make sure you create a VM from the restore partition of Mojave before you upgrade to Catalina. This gives you an environment for any 32-bit apps you might have overlooked.

It’s not clear to me if the eRosary is actually sanctioned by Rome, but if so…

the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of Ceremonies, but also in matters of Faith

So, #wat, is there such a thing as a wrinkle-free surplice? Mine looks horrible at all times. Can’t get all the wrinkles out.

Corporations undermine the whole “free markets” == liberty thing when they fail to uphold Western values in the face of commerce. — It has been said that you cannot serve money and… — Apple Removes Quartz News App