Take heart my brothers & sisters in Christ! Though we sometimes feel it in deeply secular and progressive Nashville, we are not alone. I was invigorated by this week’s clergy conference. Christ’s church stands firm on the teachings of the apostles. — From womb to tomb “God created man in his own image […] male and female he created them.” God saves the nations in the once offered sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way to eternal life. — Against abortion, destruction of the body, and the idols of the self, sexual pleasure, and the love and service of money we can stand boldly. In our little corner of the Church, the gates of hell have indeed not prevailed. Take heart and continue forth in the work Christ has set before you. We are not alone and the Spirit goes with us!

I’m ready for the diocesan clergy retreat and pray God uses it to revitalize and prepare me for the hard months of ministry ahead as we grow Christ our Anchor in East Nashville.

I pray for the day when the GMC receives the apostolic episcopacy and order of the Church and the ACNA is revitalized by the Methodist fire to live the faith amongst the poor and marginalized. youtu.be/zoh-Uy2_N…

This little workflow to control my fan without moving my hands off the keyboard excites me way more than it should.

Excuse the poor cable management, but this setup has greatly improved the number of steps I get in a week. — The treadmill folds in half and easily scoots out of the way under the desk when I’m done.

It ain’t Sunday morning without a little B. Tab. 🙌

Win or lose, I’m proud that Nashville is a team and not a man. — Whatever with Messi, I love my team and my city. ⚽️

Can confirm. Humidity here is next-level. Beautiful weather and bay views. This holiday is just what I needed. Already feel rested.

“Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!”

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of these words from the UMC service of Word and Table.

Williamson County versus East Nashville in a single picture. — Not seen is a set of those family stickers, but instead of people it was AR-15s.

Hot Take: The term “Wesleyan” is creepy. “Methodist” should be the preferred term.

I, N.N., do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and to contain all things necessary to salvation, and I consequently hold myself bound to conform my life and ministry thereto, and therefore I do solemnly engage to conform to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of Christ as this Church has received them.

We’re not supposed to say this out loud, but the traditional roles of husband and wife smooth many of these wrinkles out. If she’s free to be a full time homemaker, evenings and weekends aren’t taken up with chores. If you only have one income, finances are always shared and money is less of a problem. In a traditional family it takes both husband and wife to make things work. Neither can exist without the other. This forces commitment, compromise, and builds trust. It requires sacrifice, for sure. You ain’t going to have as much money and fancy stuff. But, I wouldn’t trade all the time we have together enjoying being a family for the world. Saturdays are for fun. Evenings for relaxing. Mammon doesn’t get 100% of our time, so we’re not having to struggle to fit in the lost role of the homemaker to our schedules. — twitter.com/JoeCassan…

Breaking news: Satan lives in Nashville and drives a Camaro.

Question I pose to all Democratic candidates in state and local elections.