Azure Data Studio is going away this month! :-( Anyone have suggestions for a great macOS SQL client? All I need is SQL autocomplete and a quick export of results to CSV and/or Excel.

My wife and kids have been learning German for the last year. We’re to the point now where I can talk to them in simple sentences and send texts to my wife.

In all of this, one thing’s standing out to me. Never in almost twenty years of German have I used ihr (plural you) so much. As a teenager and a bachelor, it was all du (thou), er (he), and ich (I). Now I’m part of a little team and it’s all wir and ihr.

For years German was a solo language for me. Now it’s a family language. It’s amazing how relationships and family can change even the language we speak.

It is not good for the man to be alone.

Get a family. Be on an intimate team. The world of ich is darker than you realize. Ihr will find a whole new perspective in the connected, dependent life.

It seems like a cool game, but I just can’t get into No Man’s Sky. I never know exactly how to do anything in and mostly end up wandering around bored.

This is why both Christ and Anglican are in the name of the mission. I wanted to leave myself no room for compromise.

This broke and was leaking water. I bought a replacement part and installed it myself. Please, clap.

And, yes, that was “beautiful Jesus” peeping out from behind my chair. I’ve not decided where He belongs yet, but I just had to have Him.

I’m so torn! The reviews… aren’t great. But, I still want a more focused tablet. But, an iPad mini is the same price. But, a mini is harder to keep focused. If this were mini-sized, the decision would be a little easier!

Tapestry has me thinking. I wonder if there’s a system I could setup to muffle posts based off sentiment? Keep the local news, events, and politics without the darkness and anger. 🤔 💭

Analogue Mornings continue to go well. — The morning office was easy to reestablish and I did 50k steps last week. My struggle is getting up at 5:30a (feet not actually on the floor until 6a) and, thus, doing journaling. Onward and forward!

This. This is what gets me when I go to “Big Social”. I don’t mind political analysis. But the moaning, negativity, and drama get me. It’s an evil presence my life is better without. I’m thankful for the slow Internet world of blogs! — Kev Quirk

I finally blocked Facebook and Twitter. What finally pushed me over the edge was Exvangelicals making definitive theological statements about every single political thing. Far too tempting to respond! Internet arguments are not a place I want to go.

Why is it that now that Trump’s president non-political media is suddenly covering him? No offence, but I don’t need a tech podcast or gardening blog to give me political analysis.