St. Andrew’s on a lovely spring day.

St. Andrew’s on a lovely spring day.
With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
I meant it as much as I could ten years ago, but mean it even more now.
In ten years we’ve built a home and filled it with three lovely children. The Lord has truly blessed us.
I said “I will” then, I say “I will” every day, and I’ll say “I will” to the end of time.
I read Mr. Calvin’s thoughts on predestination from his Institutes yesterday for a Reformation study I’m leading. Which is to say:
Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all that truly turn to him: Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you. So God loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I, of course, pre-ordered the new Pebble.
I’m feeling a bit trapped by the iOS ecosystem. I wish Apple would allow some side loading and greater app abilities for those who decide to do that. iOS is feeling like golden handcuffs.
App quality and Google keep me from Android.
Currently reading: From Wilderness to Glory by N. T. Wright 📚
Truthfully never read much Wright. But, our bishop has asked us to read this as a diocese. Thus far, it’s been a great re-presentation of the plain gospel.
I must say that I am extremely proud off of this trend. I started consistently walking in August, but struggled to walk more than two or three times a week. Since consistently hitting my 50k/week step goal, I’ve started noticing slow, but steady, results. 🚶♂️
I’d argue on the “not cheaper” front. At $8 a dozen per week (way less than we use), I break even in around four years. In reality, I break even in around 2. Chicks are cheap, feed is cheap, & they mostly eat our bugs and table scraps. — Rising bird flu costs drive backyard chicken interest
I agree we need a word for this way of thinking. I’m not certain Pornean is the best choice. Maybe Haysian or something?
At any rate, something about the not adiaphora really stood out to me. I think that’s clearly implied in the cannons of the ACNA and our history & founding proves this view.
But, for the upcoming generation, it might be helpful to spell it out in black and white. There is a trend in the ACNA by some to forget that our province finds the theology of humanity and sexuality to be so important that it breaks communion.
It’s uncomfortable in our modern society and culture, but true.
Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wishing you all a holy Lent. May you grow closer to God in this season and allow Him to cleanse and renew you.
Currently reading: Super Gut by William Davis 📚
Yoghurt update: This is amazing. Why didn’t anyone tell me how easy this was? Fresh yoghurt is just the best.
My first batch of homemade yoghurt is fermenting. Mal sehen how things look at 3p! 🦠 🥛
I bought toner for my printer. That’s all. Now, I get daily e-mails harassing me. — All zeros and sent to Spam. Your departmental KPIs & metrics are not my problem!
This is a major problem for my work at @christouranchor. On top of needing housing, a bus pass, and identification (multiple forms); one of my guys can’t even finish applying for most jobs without a smartphone. — ‘The Tyranny of Apps’ – Pixel Envy
Thinking more and more that I should be directly posting more to my blog. Also think I should do work on my blog to ensure these micro posts are visible there, too. The domain has been me for 20+ years. Everything else is syndication.
Technology Connections brought a word today! — Algorithms are Breaking How we Think
Azure Data Studio is going away this month! :-( Anyone have suggestions for a great macOS SQL client? All I need is SQL autocomplete and a quick export of results to CSV and/or Excel.
My wife and kids have been learning German for the last year. We’re to the point now where I can talk to them in simple sentences and send texts to my wife.
In all of this, one thing’s standing out to me. Never in almost twenty years of German have I used ihr (plural you) so much. As a teenager and a bachelor, it was all du (thou), er (he), and ich (I). Now I’m part of a little team and it’s all wir and ihr.
For years German was a solo language for me. Now it’s a family language. It’s amazing how relationships and family can change even the language we speak.
It is not good for the man to be alone.
Get a family. Be on an intimate team. The world of ich is darker than you realize. Ihr will find a whole new perspective in the connected, dependent life.
It seems like a cool game, but I just can’t get into No Man’s Sky. I never know exactly how to do anything in and mostly end up wandering around bored.
This is why both Christ and Anglican are in the name of the mission. I wanted to leave myself no room for compromise.
Just gotta say this has been an amazing book thus far. : The Dead Secret by Wilkie Collins 📚
I, too, have stopped using Amazon as much as possible.,, and even Parnassus Books work for me. — How Amazon Hurts Writers
More and more I’m happy to have stuck with the RSV-CE and good ol' King James. — ESV Text Change Summary (2025)