Wow. Just heard a country song at the Walgreens that sounds like a Pelagian creed. It rolls of a bunch of “I believes”, one of which is “I believe most people are good.” Yikes!

Merry Christmas! 🌟 👼 👼 👼 🐑 🐑 👶🏻 May the next twelve days be full of the wonder and joy of God becoming man for our sake.

Can it get more 🔥 🔥 🔥 than Revelation 16 followed by the Benedictus? — God judges our sin and pours his wrath upon injustice. This is good news!

Nothing to see here. Move along. Just a grown man tearing up at cartoon farm animals kneeling before Jesus. — The Star gets me every time!

Y’all, if you’re working with Postgres pgMustard is a must. It’s taught me so much about how Postgres works while helping me tune some pretty important queries. Worth every Euro cent!

Hope in Eye of the “Christmas” Storm

In the midst of an anxious world building towards a consumeristic feast of sentimentality that cannot be achieved and will only disappoint, I’m thankful to rest in Advent. No performances for elves on shelves. No stress at making myself or the world around me into a Hallmark movie. In Advent, I stand before a God who knows more about me than one can see from a shelf and still loves me the same. I stand before a God who will come whether it snows or not. I rejoice knowing that outside of my works, my mood, my decorations (or lack thereof), my baptism is sufficient. Christ will come again despite our best efforts. Justice will reign. Wrongs will be righted. I am declared righteous in his precious blood. God is not a feeling, a sentiment, or something to be earned; God is reality.

In the hustle and bustle of a world that must work to make “Christmas” happen, I sit in Advent hope with a God who is patiently preparing me for the kingdom that already is and will someday be. In the eye of the secular Christmas storm, I hopefully wait with my God in Advent.

The New Jerusalem looks like it’ll be pretty lit.

Happy New Year! May your Advent be full of grace and hope as we reflect on our Lord’s return! 🕯

“Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, but not into the hands of men; for as his majesty is, so also is his mercy. "

Christmas is primarily not a birthday celebration. During Christmas we stand in awe that God the Son became a man for our sake. If Christmas is to invade Trinitytide and Advent, it can at least be a reflection on the Incarnation and not pagan Yule with a sprinkling of Jesus.

The answer is “no.” No journal could possibly make you a saint.

Dahomey.Json is an incredibly useful library when trying to (de)serialize polymorphic structures using System.Text.Json.

Last night Oliver asked us if we could read the “meat book” for bedtime. It took us a while to figure it out. He meant “Green Eggs and Ham!”

I’m so thankful to God to see this on our calendar! 💉🚫🦠

This is the book selected for bedtime tonight which leads to many questions, primary of which is why I own a book about wood! 🌲 🌳 🪵

Does anyone know if there’s a reprint of this book available for sale anywhere? Let’s Pray by Charlot Byj.

I’ve been debugging an odd networking issue off and on since Thursday. I resolved it last night. I’d somehow disconnected part of my office from the switch. 🤦‍♂️

This is the moment Yelp got its notifications turned off.

As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch, have erred; so also the Church of Rome hath erred, not only in their living and manner of Ceremonies, but also in matters of Faith.

Thankful today for the German and English reformers. Reformed and Catholic is the way to be!

The title of this email already tells me I don’t want whatever it is they are selling.